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Reproduction in Flowering Plants

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1 Reproduction in Flowering Plants
What is the function of flowers?

2 Angiosperm: a plant having its seeds enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant

3 The Flower:

4 The Flower Is the reproductive unit of some plants (angiosperms)
Parts include petals, sepals, and or more carpels (the reproductive organs), and stamens (male reproductive organs)

5 The Female Reproductive Organs
Carpel: a simple pistil Ovary: the enlarged lower part of the pistil in angiosperms, encloses the ovules Ovules: the female reproductive cells – eggs The Female Reproductive Organs

6 The Female Reproductive Organs
Style: a tube on top of the ovary which presents the stigma Stigma: receives the pollen during fertilization The Female Reproductive Organs

7 The Male Reproductive Organs
Stamen: the male reproductive parts of a flower Consists of Two Parts: Anther: produces pollen Filament: the stalk-like portion of a stamen, supporting the anther The Male Reproductive Organs

8 Fertilization- Pollination
Pollen consists of the male reproductive cells which fertilize ovules Pollen must fertilize an ovule to produce a seed Fertilization- Pollination

9 Fertilization Process
Bees fly from flower to flower collecting sweet nectar They spread pollen – depositing on some stigmas After the male’s pollen grains land on stigma fertilization begins, pollen tubes develop with in the style The pollen burrows down into the ovary The sperm fertilizes an ovum in the ovule After fertilization the ovule develops into a seed in the ovary Fertilization Process


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