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Presentation on theme: "ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES FOR COMMON HEALTH PROBLEMS."— Presentation transcript:


2 This section gives you some ideas for alternative therapies for common health problems. These recommendations are only suggestions; they are not replacing conventional medical care. The following slides only give you an idea about different methods available for most common problems, with the hope that you can guide your patient to the right alternative practitioner.

3 ACNE Modify diet Vitamins and nutritional supplements Herbs: Arnica, Calendula skin products, tea tree oil Homeopathy Stress management Meditation and relaxation Avoid too much chocolate Increase water intake

4 AIDS Herbs: Echinacea, goldenseal, garlic, and other herbs with supervision of Health Care Practitioner (SHCP). Acupuncture Supplements: Iron, Vitamins C, B, A, E, selenium, and others with SHCP. Massage Meditation and relaxation

5 ALCOHOL ABUSE Herbs: Milk thistle, evening primrose oil, skullcap Vitamins & supplements Acupuncture Meditation and Yoga Faith and prayer Spiritual counseling Energy Medicine, Cranial Sacral, Reiki, Healing touch (CS, R, HT)

6 ALLERGIES Herbs: Stinging nettle, Dandelion, and others with SHCP Homeopathy Vitamins and supplements Increase water intake Food allergy panel Herbal medicine

7 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Prevention and education Herbs: Ginkgo biloba Vitamins and supplements Zinc, Selenium, evening primrose oil, coenzyme Q 10, vitamin B6, C,& E. Diet and nutrition changes for prevention

8 ANXIETY Homeopathy Herbs: Chamomile, Valerian, Passion flowers Vitamins and supplements Energy medicine (CS, R, HT) Meditation, yoga, relaxation Faith and prayer Hypnosis Guided imagery Relax with a cup of chamomile tea

9 ARTHRITIS Nutrition and diet changes Chiropractic Energy Medicine Herbs: Devil’s claw, evening primrose oil, ginger Vitamins and supplements, Glucosamine and chondroitin Homeopathy Magnet therapy

10 ASTHMA Food and diet changes Food allergy panel Breathing exercises Herbs, only with SHCP Meditation and Yoga Stress management

11 ATHLETE’S FOOT Diet changes Nutrition and supplements Food care Herbs and supplements with SHCP Homeopathy

12 PAIN Phantom pain (post amputation pain): Energy medicine (CS, R, HT) Magnet therapy Massage Back Pain Energy medicine (CS, R, HT) Chiropractic Homeopathy Acupuncture Herbs and supplements Massage therapy Reflexology Sleep hygiene

13 PAIN Sciatica pain: Energy Medicine Acupuncture Chiropractic Herbs Homeopathy Chiropractic treatment

14 PAIN Cancer pain There are different ways we can handle cancer related pain, but it should be under the SHCP. Example: Energy medicine Homeopathy Herbs Visualization

15 CANKER SORES Supplements and vitamins Gastro-intestinal evaluation Herbs: Goldenseal, Echinacea Digestive enzymes Homeopathy

16 CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Homeopathy Acupressure Chiropractic Magnet therapy Nutrition and supplements Massage

17 CONSTIPATION Bowel training Diet and nutrition changes Vitamins and supplements Herbs Homeopathy Increase water intake

18 DEPRESSION Nutrition and diet changes Acupuncture Energy Medicine (CS, R, HT) Aromatherapy Homeopathy Hypnotherapy Meditation and Yoga Herbs Exercise

19 DIABETES Herbs Aromatherapy Biofeedback Nutrition and supplements Meditation and Yoga

20 FEVER Nutrition and diet Herbs Homeopathy Aromatherapy

21 FIBROMYALGIA Nutrition and diet changes Life style changes Detox program Herbs Vitamins and supplements Meditation and Yoga Exercise

22 HEMORRHOIDS Herbs Homeopathy Hydrotherapy

23 HICCUPS Acupressure Energy Medicine (CS, R, HT)

24 INFERTILITY Herbs Vitamins and supplements Energy Medicine (CS, R, HT) Faith and prayer Meditation and Yoga Homeopathy

25 SINUS PROBLEMS Herbs Homeopathy Allergy test Nutrition and diet change

26 SORE THROAT Herbs Homeopathy Nutrition and diet change

27 TINNITUS Herbs Vitamins and supplements Energy medicine (CS, R, HT) Acupuncture

28 URINARY TRACT INFECTION Prevention Herbs Homeopathy Increase water intake Diet and nutrition

29 MORE SERIOUS PROBLEMS Patients with more serious medical problems should see an integrative practitioner regularly. Examples of integrative practitioners are: MD, DO, or APN with knowledge and training in alternative medicine. Naturopath or Chiropractic physician who are willing to work with medical doctors and other specialist doctors. Above practitioners should refer patients to appropriate sources as necessary.

30 MORE SERIOUS PROBLEMS Headache Heart problems Hypertension Infections Irritable Bowel Syndrome Colitis

31 MORE SERIOUS PROBLEMS Liver problem Eye problem: Macular degeneration Poison Pregnancy Wounds problem Bladder and prostate problem Cancer Menstruation problems Weight problems

32 SUMMARY These are only a few medical problems which respond well with alternative treatment. There are so many different alternative practitioners with different educational backgrounds and training. It is our responsibility that our patients receive the best alternative care available. So, referrals should be handled with a lot of care.


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