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The Oaks Private School The Oaks Private School serves students around the world who study at home.

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Presentation on theme: "The Oaks Private School The Oaks Private School serves students around the world who study at home."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Oaks Private School The Oaks Private School serves students around the world who study at home

2 What is The Oaks Private School? The Oaks Private School is:  a year- round, K-12, Florida registered school for the support of homeschools  devoted to offering families administrative, academic and accountability coverage  a school that accepts students from the United States and several countries around the world  a school that allows parents to educate their children at home, using the internet as a means of communication (The Oaks Private School, 2009).

3 School’s Vision “We believe that a Christian-based education is the key to a student’s future. The Oaks Private School enables students to acquire that key by providing the finest in Distance Education programs. Using TOPSOnline and PATHWAYS (traditional delivery system), we strive to set students on a course of lifelong, self-motivated learning, to prepare them for a life of fulfillment, purpose, and success in the global 21 st century” (The Oaks Private School, 2009).

4 School’s Mission “The mission of The Oaks Private School (TOPS) is to empower and educate students who choose to study at home using proven, innovative, effective, and affordable distance education programs to develop their full academic, personal, and spiritual potential” (The Oaks Private School, 2009).

5 Accreditation  The Oaks Private School is regionally accredited through:  AdvancED  The Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC)  NWAC is one of the six regional accrediting agencies approved by the US Department of Education and is an Accreditation Division of AdvancED  The Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditation (FCCPSA)  FCCPSA is a premier accrediting agency listed among only fourteen agencies on the Florida Department of Education website  The Committee of College Registrars of Florida has recognized FCCPSA as an approved accrediting organization (The Oaks Private School, 2009).

6 A Message from the President ("Ryan Bennett, President, The Oaks Private School", 2008)

7 A Message from the Executive Director ("Mrs. B's Favorite Spots - Library, The Oaks Private School", 2008)

8 Organizational Structure President – F. Ryan Bennett Executive Director – Marilyn M. Bennett Media Director – Jason Bennett Graphic Designer – Catherine Bennett Education Advisor – Tom DeRosa Financial Advisor – Bea Williams Ministry Advisor – Curtis Williams Business Advisor – Hector Padron Curriculum Advisor – Dr. Karen Gushta Website Advisor – Richard Deigsler Marketing Director – Erika Bennett

9 Regulatory Environment  The parents, teachers, student, and school administrator work together to determine the best course delivery method to fit the learning style of the student (The Oaks Private School, 2009).  The student’s academic history, IEPs, skill- specific diagnostic tests and other factors are considered in choosing the best materials for each student (The Oaks Private School, 2009).  Teachers and supervisors examine progress and are available for tutoring (The Oaks Private School, 2009).  The student or parent submits copies of attendance, work samples, and assessments at the end of each quarter.

10 Scope of Offerings  The Oaks Private School offers two programs of study: TOPS Online Program and TOPS PATHWAYS Program (Bennett, 2014).  TOPS Online accepts students in grades three through twelve. TOPS Online is an affiliate school of Christian Educators Academy (NCAA approved), using APEX Learning, Inc. as the curriculum platform. APEX Learning is accredited by AdvancED as an online curriculum provider. Certified teachers or instructional supervisors are assigned according to their discipline to students for tutoring, online grading and reviewing of all lessons within a 24-48 hour time period.  TOPS PATHWAYS Program accepts students in kindergarten through grade twelve. TOPS PATHWAYSis created for students who learn best in a non-digital setting or who simply prefer to obtain their lesson through traditional “pencil and paper” methods of study.  Courses are available to students in several delivery methods: textbooks, workbooks, CD-Rom’s, and DVDs. (The Oaks Private School, 2009).

11 Scope of Offerings A full list of courses can be found through this link: (The Oaks Private School Online High School, n.d.)

12 Student Body  According to a phone interview with Mrs. Marilyn Bennett, Executive Director, there are currently 275 students enrolled at TOPS (Bennett, 2014)  About 60% of students are registered in grades K-8, while about 40% of students are registered in grades 9-12 (Bennett, 2014)  Students in grades 3 and higher are able to use the internet for distance learning (Bennett, 2014).

13 Student Testimonials (The Oaks Private School, 2014)

14 Parent Testimonials (, 2014)

15 References Bennett, M. (2014, February 25). Interview by K Ciufo. The oaks private school interview. The Oaks Private School - Live Oak, Florida - FL – School overview. (2014). Retrieved March 15, 2014, from Private-School/ Mrs. B's Favorite Spots - Library, The Oaks Private School [Video file]. (2008). Retrieved from Ryan Bennett, President, The Oaks Private School [Video file]. (2008). Retrieved from The Oaks Private School - Home school organization. (2009). Retrieved March 15, 2014, from The Oaks Private School Online High School. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2014, from

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