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Group 3: M. Yusron Hasani(105090100111037) A. Muammar Kadafi (115090101111012) Nira Meirita W. (115090100111017) Putri Indisari(115090107111021) JURUSAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 3: M. Yusron Hasani(105090100111037) A. Muammar Kadafi (115090101111012) Nira Meirita W. (115090100111017) Putri Indisari(115090107111021) JURUSAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 3: M. Yusron Hasani(105090100111037) A. Muammar Kadafi (115090101111012) Nira Meirita W. (115090100111017) Putri Indisari(115090107111021) JURUSAN BIOLOGI FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA MALANG 2013

2 Substance that stimulates the production of antibodies and can be recognised by a B cell receptor or antibody, or a T cell receptor. Protein, polisakarida or other molecule Part of the antigen which comes into contact with the antigen receptor is called the epitope or antigenic determinant


4  linear or sequential epitope is an epitope that is recognized by antibodies by its linear sequence of amino acids, or primary structure  Conformational epitope that has a specific three-dimensional shape and its protein structure. In contrast, most antibodies recognize this epitope


6  Major histocompatibility Complex







13  The binding between antibodies and antigens has high specificity and affinity resulting from various structural and energetic aspects.  Is a non covalent bond ( similar mechanism as lock and key on enzyme and a substrate )  Happens because the molecular structure of an antibody typical


15  Pre-natal used IgG as antibody  Post-natal used IgA from colostrum as antibody

16  Response to the first exposure to antigen called primary immune response, mediated by lympocytes, called naïve lympocytes  Subsequent encounters with the same antigen lead to responses, called secondary imune response


18  First exposure to antigen stimulate primary imun responses signalling by IgM few days after exposing.  Time between exposure and appearance of IgM antigen called the lag phase  In serum, IgG start to be detected 6-7 days after exposure

19  When second exposure to antigen occurs, secondary immune response in which IgM and IgG levels increased rapidly with a short lag phase  IgM levels did not exceed the peak levels of the primary response, but IgG levels rise much higher and lasts longer  Much better response faster on secondary immune response



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