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Degree and Graduation Seminar Stakeholder Management

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1 Degree and Graduation Seminar Stakeholder Management

2 Stakeholder A stakeholder is a person or organization that is actively involved in the project, has influence over the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by the execution or completion of the project.

3 Stakeholder management
Is based on the identification, analysis and development of relationships with any person or organization whose interests may be affected by the project’s development The PM is responsible for managing the expectations and analyzing their impact on the project The PM defines a strategy for communication with the stakeholders

4 Stakeholder mgmt processes
Identify Stakeholders Plan Stakeholder management Manage Stakeholder engagement Control Stakeholder engagement

5 Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder analysis is the process of identifying all stakeholders, their potential impact or influence on the project, and ways to manage those impacts effectively.

6 Stakeholder Register The stakeholder register is the document that contains all the information about stakeholders, such as identification, contact information, requirements and expectations, impact and influence, etc.

7 Managing Stakeholder Expectations
Managing stakeholder expectations is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and addressing issues as they occur.

8 Stakeholder Mgmt Strategy
The stakeholder management strategy defines an approach to increase the support and minimize negative impacts of stakeholders throughout the entire project’s lifecycle.

9 Identify Stakeholders
Identify the people, groups or organizations that could impact or be impacted by the decision, activity, or outcome of the project Analize and document relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, interdependencies, influence and potential impact on the project’s success Inputs: Charter Procurement documents Company’s environmental factors Organizational process assets

10 Identify Stakeholders
Tools: Stakeholder analysis Expert judgement Meetings

11 Identify Stakeholders
Output: Stakeholder register

12 Plan Stakeholder management
Develop appropriate management strategies to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the project’s life cycle Inputs: PM Plan Stakeholder register Company’s environmental factors Organizational process assets

13 Plan Stakeholder Management
Tools: Expert judgement Meetings Analytical techniques

14 Plan Stakeholder Management
Outputs: Stakeholder management plan Project document updates

15 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations and address issues as they occur. Inputs: Stakeholder management plan Communications management plan Change log Organizational process assets

16 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Tools: Communication methods Interpersonal skills Management skills

17 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Outputs: Issue log Change request Project management plan updates Project document updates Organizational process assets updates

18 Control Stakeholder Engagement
Monitoring overall project stakeholder relationships and adjusting strategies and plans for engaging stakeholders . Inputs: Project management plan Issue log Work performance data Project documents

19 Control Stakeholder Engagement
Tools: Information management systems Expert judgement Meetings

20 Control Stakeholder Engagement
Output: Work performance information Change requests Project management plan updates Project document updates Organizational process assets updates

21 Sample Question Of the following, Who are ALWAYS stakeholders?
A. A person who does not want the project to be completed. B. An assembly line worker that will use the product of the project. C. A functional manager from the engineering department. D. A person who might lose his or her position in the company because of the project.

22 Sample Question The project manager must identify _________, determine their requirements, and then manage and influence those requirements to ensure a successful project. A. Functional managers. B. Stakeholders. C. Scope. D. End users.

23 Sample Question Which of the following are NOT all examples of project documents? A. Scope Baseline, Project Funding Requirements, Stakeholder Requirements. B. Activity List, Stakeholder Register, Teaming Agreements. C. Forecasts, Risk Register, Quality Metrics. D. Basis of Estimates, Resource Requirements, Statement of Work.

24 Sample Question Inputs to the Plan Communications process include all the following EXCEPT? A. Communications requirements. B. Stakeholder management strategy. C. Company culture. D. Forecasts.

25 Sample Question A particular stakeholder has a reputation for making many changes on projects. What is the BEST approach a project manager can take at the beggining of the project to manage this situation? A. Say “No” to the stakeholder a few times to dissuade him from submitting more changes. B. Get the stakeholder involved in the project as early as possible. C. Talk to the stakeholder’s boss to find ways to direct the stakeholder’s activities to another project. D. Ask that the stakeholder not be included in the stakeholder listing.

26 Sample Question 1.You are using a power/interest grid to classify all persons and organizations that could impact or be impacted by the project. What would be the best use for this information? To make it available for all stakeholders. To make confidential information to be used by the project manager and his/her team. To make it public information protected by a password. To add to this grid the actual vrs the desired commitment of each stakeholder

27 Bibliography Project Management Institute. (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) (5th Ed.). Pennsylvania, United States of America: Project Management Institute. Mulcahy, R. (2013)( PMP Exam Prep. (8th Ed). United States of America: McGraw-Hill.

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