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Training Needs Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Training Needs Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Needs Analysis
If you think training is expensive try ignorance!

2 Learning Outcomes Define a training needs analysis (TNA)
Explain the significance of a TNA Explain the process for carrying out a TNA Conduct a TNA Report the findings of a TNA

3 The Training Process Need Evaluate Plan Deliver Identify the the

4 What is a training needs analysis?
A training needs analysis is the method of determining if a training need exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap.

5 Why should you conduct a TNA?
Avoid training for ‘training sake’. Supports cost effective training. Targets areas of greatest need. Gives information on the organisation’s climate. Gives commitment from managers and trainers Separates the ‘symptoms’ from the causes.

6 How can a need to identified?
Complaints from staff, customers/clients Poor quality work Frequent errors Large staff turnover Deadlines not being met Conflict amongst staff New equipment systems Indicators of a need

7 Job information that needs to be collected
Job roles Job process Task list Job problems Task frequency Task difficulty Task importance How often? How hard?

8 How to do a TNA - process 1. Document the problem 7 steps
2. investigate the problem 3. Plan the needs analysis 4. Select the technique 5. Conduct the analysis 6. Analyse the data 7. Report the findings

9 Techniques for carrying out TNA’s
Interviews Survey questionnaires Job descriptions and person specifications Critical incidents Log books and other company records Industry seminars Supervisor’s reports

10 Report the findings Title page Executive summary Table of contents
Introduction Recommendation Training Plan Data collection and analysis methods Cost analysis, proposed costs of recommended solutions

11 Recap! A TNA is the method of determining if a training need exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap. Much of the TNA process is about asking questions and getting answers Performing a TNA requires seven steps, which build on each other. Costing the performance problem and comparing training costs is an important part of the TNA report

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