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Math Journal 9-29

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1 Math Journal 9-29 ๐‘ฅ โˆ’16=โˆ’ ๐‘ฅ โˆ’10=10 ๐‘ฅ =โˆ’ โˆ’8๐‘ฅ =โˆ’ ๐‘ฅ =12

2 Unit 3 Day 2: Solving Multi-Step Equations
Essential Question: How do I solve equations that require more than two steps?

3 Vocabulary Like Terms: terms whose variables and exponents are the same. Distributive Property: ๐’‚(๐’ƒ + ๐’„) = ๐’‚๐’ƒ + ๐’‚๐’„

4 Solving Multi-Step Equations
Simplify: 1) Apply the distributive property, if necessary. 2) Combine like terms on each side of the equal sign. Solve: Solve using the steps from Day 1. Check: 4) Plug in the solution to see if it satisfies the equation!

5 Example 1: Solve the equations.
a) x โ€“ 3 = -9 + 3 + 3 x = -6 3 5 b) x = -6 5 ยท ยท 5 To get rid of a fraction: 1) Multiply by the denominator 2) Divide by the numerator OR Multiply by the reciprocal 3x = -30 3 3 x = -10

6 Example 2: Solve the equations. a) 7x โ€“ 3x โ€“ 8 = 24 b) 4x โ€“ 8 + x = 2
+ 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 4x = 32 5x = 10 4 4 5 5 x = 8 x = 2

7 Example 3: Solve the equations.
a) x โ€“ 9x + 17 = -4 b) 4x โ€“ 9 + 3x = 5 -7x + 17 = -4 7x โ€“ 9 = 5 - 17 - 17 + 9 + 9 -7x = -21 7x = 14 -7 -7 7 7 x = 2 x = 3

8 Example 4: Solve the equations.
a) x + 3(x + 4) = 28 b) 4x โ€“ 3(x โ€“ 2) = 21 5x + 3x + 12 = 28 4x โ€“ 3x + 6 = 21 8x + 12 = 28 x + 6 = 21 - 6 - 6 - 12 - 12 8x = 16 x = 15 8 8 x = 2

9 Example 5: Solve the equations.
a) x + 12(x โ€“ 3) = b) x โ€“ 5(x โ€“ 9) = 27 4x + 12x โ€“ 36 = 28 2x โ€“ 5x + 45 = 27 16x โ€“ 36 = 28 -3x + 45 = 27 + 36 + 36 - 45 - 45 -3x = -18 16x = 64 16 16 -3 -3 x = 4 x = 6

10 Summary Essential Question: How do I solve equations that require more than two steps? Take 1 minute to write 2 sentences answering the essential question.

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