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Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and Medical Specialties

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1 Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and Medical Specialties
Unit 15 Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and Medical Specialties

2 Ophthalmology ophthalm/o = combining form for eye Examples:
ophthalm/ic = pertaining to eye ocular = pertaining to eye ophthalm/o/logy = medical specialty studying eye disease and surgery ophthalm/o/logist = physician who practices this specialty

3 Ophthalmology Examples: ophthalm/o/pathy = any eye disease
ophthalm/itis = inflammation of eye ophthalm/algia and ophthalm/o/dynia = pain in eye ophthalm/o/ptosis and ophthalm/o/cele = herniation of eye ex/ophthalm/os = protrusion of eyeball ophthalm/o/plegia = paralysis of eye muscles

4 Ophthalmology Examples:
ophthalm/o/meter = instrument for measuring eyeball ophthalm/o/scope = instrument used for examination of interior of eye ophthalm/o/scopy = process of examining eye with scope ophthalm/o/plasty = plastic surgery of eye

5 Ophthalmology opt/o = combining form for vision Examples:
opt/o/metry = measurement of vision opt/o/metrist = one who measures visual acuity opt/ic nerve = cranial nerve for vision

6 Eye Specialists Ophthalmologist Ophthalmic technician
Medical doctor (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) Physician specialist who treats eye diseases and performs surgery Ophthalmic technician Special technician trained to assist ophthalmologists

7 Eye Specialists Optometrist Doctor of optometry (O.D.)
Licensed practitioner limited to eye examinations and prescribing corrective lenses

8 Vision Conditions How vision works:
Light enters lens of eye, is refracted, and image is focused on retina -opia = suffix meaning vision condition

9 Vision Conditions my/opia = nearsightedness
See close objects, but not distant ones hyper/opia = farsightedness See distant objects, but not close ones presby/opia = loss of accommodation Lens fails to adjust Especially for seeing close objects

10 Myopia and Hyperopia

11 Vision Conditions dipl/opia = double vision
Crossed eyes Both eyes fail to record same image on brain di/opt/er = unit of measurement of refraction in eye Used to prescribe corrective lenses

12 Vision Conditions phor/opt/er = instrument to determine prescription strength needed for corrective lenses

13 Vision Conditions Defects that cause objects to appear different colors: cyan/opsia = blue vision xanth/opsia = yellow vision chlor/opsia = green vision erythr/opsia = red vision

14 Directional Terms in Ophthalmology
Strabismus or squint When eyes appear to be turned in abnormal position tropia = turning exo/tropia = eyes pointing outward eso/tropia = eyes pointing inward hyper/tropia = eyes pointing upward hypo/tropia = eyes pointing downward

15 Esotropia and Exotropia

16 Structures of the Eye

17 Eyeball

18 Eyelid blephar/o = combining term Examples:
blephar/o/ptosis = prolapse of eyelid blephar/edema = swelling of eyelid edema = swelling due to fluid retention blephar/itis = inflammation of eyelid blephar/o/spasm = twitching of eyelid

19 Eyelid Procedures blephar/o/tomy = incision of eyelid
blephar/ectomy = excision of lesions on eyelid blephar/o/plasty = surgical repair of eyelid blephar/o/rrhaphy = suture of eyelid

20 Eyelid Conjunctiva conjunctiv/itis = inflammation of conjunctiva
Membrane that lines eyelids and sclera conjunctiv/itis = inflammation of conjunctiva More than 30 types of inflammation

21 Cornea corne and kerat = word roots
corne/o and kerat/o = combining forms Examples: corne/al = pertaining to cornea corne/o/ir/itis = inflammation of cornea and iris corne/o/scler/al = pertaining to cornea and sclera

22 Cornea Examples: kerat/o/rrhexis = corneal rupture
kerat/o/scler/itis = inflammation of cornea and sclera kerat/o/tomy = incision of cornea kerat/ectasia = forward bulging of cornea kerat/o/cele = herniation or protrusion of cornea kerat/o/plasty = corneal transplant

23 Lens phac/o = combining form for crystalline lens of eye Origin Greek
phacos = lentil Shape of eye lens

24 Lens Examples: phac/o/cele = protrusion of lens
phac/o/emulsion = removal of cataracts using ultrasonic device to emulsify eye lens for removal

25 Sclera White, hard outer coat of eye Origin Greek scleras = hard

26 Sclera Examples: scler/al = pertaining to sclera
scler/itis = inflammation of sclera scler/ectomy = excision of all or part of sclera scler/o/stomy = formation of opening into sclera

27 Iris Colored part of eye that helps regulate amount of light that enters ir/ides = plural form irid/o = combining form Examples: irid/o/cele = protrusion or dislocation of iris irid/algia = pain in iris

28 Iris Examples: irid/o/malacia = softening of iris
irid/o/rrhexis = rupture of iris irid/o/plegia and irid/o/paralysis = paralysis of iris irid/ectomy = excision of part or all of iris

29 Iris Conditions ir/itis = inflammation of iris
corne/o/ir/itis = inflammation of cornea and iris scler/o/ir/itis = inflammation of sclera and iris irid/o/ptosis = prolapse of iris

30 Retina Layer at back of eyeball where images formed and sent to brain
retin/o = combining form Examples: retin/al = pertaining to retina retin/itis = inflammation of retina

31 Retina Examples: retin/o/scope = instrument used to measure refractive error of retina retin/o/scopy = process of using retinoscope Skiascopy Proper term for retinoscopy retin/o/pexy and retin/o/plasty = fixation or repair of detached retina

32 Retina Macular degeneration Deterioration of macula
Area on retina near optic nerve Common cause of blindness in elderly Treatment for some types: Intraocular injection of medication to slow progression

33 Glaucoma Eye disease with increased intraocular pressure
Can result in blindness if not treated Three basic types: Open angle Angle closure Congenital

34 Pupil Opening in iris through which light passes cor = word root
cor/e, core/o, and pupill/o = combining forms Examples: cor/ect/opia = pupil out of place cor/e/lysis = destruction of pupil cor/ectasia = dilation or stretching of pupil

35 Pupil Examples: anis/o/cor/ia = unequal pupil size
core/o/plasty = plastic surgery of pupil core/o/meter and pupill/o/meter = instrument for measuring pupil core/o/metry and pupill/o/metry = process of measuring pupil

36 Ciliary Body Thin vascular layer that encircles inside of iris
cycl/o = combining form Origin Greek cyclos = circle

37 Ciliary Body Examples: cycl/o/plegia = paralysis of ciliary body
cycl/o/keratitis = inflammation of ciliary body and cornea

38 Animation Click Here to Play Vision Animation

39 Tears lacrim/ation = tearing lacrim/o = combining form Examples:
lacrim/al = pertaining to tears lacrim/al gland = gland that secretes tears lacrim/al sac = sac that collects lacrimal fluid nas/o/lacrim/al duct = means by which lacrimal fluid drained away

40 Tears dacry = word root for tears Examples:
dacry/o/rrhea = excessive lacrimation dacry/o/cyst/itis = tear sac inflammation dacry/o/aden/algia = pain in tear gland dacry/o/cyst/o/ptosis = prolapse of tear sac dacry/oma = tumor of tear duct or gland

41 Tears Examples: dacry/o/py/o/rrhea = discharge of pus from tear gland
dacry/o/cyst/o/cele = hernia of tear sac dacry/o/lith = stone in tear sac dacry/o/cyst/o/tome = instrument for incising tear sac

42 Nails onych/o = combining form Examples:
onych/osis = any nail condition onych/oid = resembling fingernail onych/o/malac/ia = softening of nails onych/o/phagia = nail biting

43 Nail Conditions onych/oma = tumor of nail or nail bed
onych/o/myc/osis = fungus infection of nails onych/o/crypt/osis = ingrown nail

44 Hair trich/o = combining form Examples: trich/oid = resembling hair
trich/o/pathy = any hair disease trich/o/glossia = hairy tongue trich/iasis = formation of hair trich/o/genous = promotes growth of hair

45 Hair Examples: alopec/ia = condition of baldness
trich/o/phobia = abnormal fear of hair trich/o/phagia = swallowing hair alopec/ia = condition of baldness Types: Alopecia areata Alopecia congenitalis Alopecia medicamentosa

46 Endocrinology endo/crine = secrete inside
Refers to glands that secrete hormones endo/crin/o/logy = medical specialty studying endocrine system endo/crin/o/logist = physician who specializes in study of endocrine system

47 Endocrinology Combining Forms
Meaning thyroid/o or thyr/o thyroid gland thym/o thymus gland adren/o adrenal gland pancreat/o pancreas oophor/o ovary testic, orchid/o, or orchi/o testis

48 Animation Click Here to Play Endocrine System Animation

49 Adrenal Glands supra/renal glands = alternate name
Due to location above kidneys Stimulate autonomic nervous system adren/erg/ic receptors = activated by epinephrine, norepinephrine, and adrenergic drugs adrenergic = pertaining to adrenal work Epinephrine dilates bronchi Used to treat asthma

50 Adrenal Glands adren/o/corticoid = hormone produced by adrenal glands
Cortisone adren/o/pathy = any adrenal gland disease adren/o/megaly = enlargement of adrenal glands adren/o/lysis = destruction of adrenal tissue

51 Thyroid Gland thyr/o/xine or thyr/o/xin = hormone produced by thyroid
thyr/oid/ectomy = excision of thyroid gland hyper/thyroid/ism = overactive thyroid hypo/thyroid/ism = underactive thyroid

52 Other Endocrine Terms test/o/sterone = hormone produced by testes
thym/osin = hormone secreted by thymus that stimulates development of T-cells pancreat/itis = inflammation of pancreas oophor/oma = tumor in ovary testic/ular = pertaining to testes

53 Steroidal Hormones Steroids Lipid hormones
Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone Testosterone affects male libido Estrogen affects female fertility Synthesized from cholesterol in ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands Enter cell nuclei to affect cell function Code ribonucleic acid (RNA) to produce proteins

54 Non-Steroidal Hormones
Protein-based hormones Link to receptors on cell membrane E.g., insulin produced by pancreas Insulin allows glucose to enter cells Lack of insulin can result in hyper/glyc/emia and dia/betes

55 Blood Conditions -emia = condition of or in blood Examples:
isch/emia = blood flow interrupted transient isch/emic attack = temporary interruption of blood flow Usually in brain

56 Blood Conditions Examples: leuk/emia = blood cancer
an/emia = reduction in RBCs hyper/emia = too much blood (in one part) ur/emia = urine constituents in blood hemat/ur/ia = blood in urine

57 Trauma Wound or injury traumat/o = combining form Examples:
traumat/o/logy = study of wound care traumat/ic = pertaining to wounds or being wounded

58 Trauma Type of Wound Description abrasion scraped skin contusion
bruise avulsion accidental, forceful pulling out fracture break or crack of bone laceration cut or jagged wound puncture penetration of pointed object

59 Medical Specialties Specialty Specialist Limits of Field pathology
pathologist causes and nature of diseases dermatology dermatologist skin neurology neurologist nervous system gynecology gynecologist female conditions urology urologist male conditions and all urinary diseases endocrinology endocrinologist glands of internal secretion

60 Medical Specialties Specialty Specialist Limits of Field oncology
oncologist neoplasms (cancer) cardiology cardiologist heart ophthalmology ophthalmologist eye otorhinolaryng-ology otorhinolaryng-ologist ear, nose, and throat obstetrics obstetrician pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium geriatrics geriatrician elderly

61 Medical Specialties Specialty Specialist Limits of Field pediatrics
pediatrician children orthopedics orthopedist bones and muscles psychiatry psychiatrist mental disorders audiology audiologist hearing function radiology radiologist diagnostic imaging and therapeutic x-ray chiropractic chiropractor manipulation therapy podiatry podiatrist foot conditions

62 Cells phag/o/cyte = cell that eats microorganisms
phag/o/cyt/osis = process of cell eating microorganisms phag/o = to eat or swallow cyt/o/phagy = ingestion of cells by phagocytes macr/o/phage = large phagocyte micr/o/phage = small phagocyte

63 Cells cyt/o/meter = instrument for counting cells
cyt/o/metry = process of counting cells cyt/o/scopy = examination of cells cyt/o/stasis = stopping or controlling cells

64 Miscellaneous Terms ambi/valence = having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas diplo/bacillus = bacillus that occurs in pairs diplo/coccus = coccus that grows in pairs eu/phoria = feeling of well-being dys/phoria = feeling of depression

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