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MLA Style II Advanced Quoting and Citing Techniques By Kim Haglund, M.Ed. Pierre Sierra says, “A few…concepts can help [you] quote and cite sources will”

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Style II Advanced Quoting and Citing Techniques By Kim Haglund, M.Ed. Pierre Sierra says, “A few…concepts can help [you] quote and cite sources will”"— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Style II Advanced Quoting and Citing Techniques By Kim Haglund, M.Ed. Pierre Sierra says, “A few…concepts can help [you] quote and cite sources will” (qtd. in Foster).

2 ELLIPSIS “If you want to delete words from a quote, replace the words with three…dots.”

3 SQUARE BRACKETS “If you want to add your own words inside a quote, use [square] brackets around the words you insert.”

4 QUOTED IN (qtd. in) “If you want to use a remark that your source quoted, add a citation like this” (qtd. In Foster).

5 INTEGRATED QUOTES You can blend just a portion of a quote right “into your own sentence.”

6 SIGNAL PHRASES Says Pierre Sierra, president of the MLA Hiking Association, “Add an author’s credentials to signal phrases!”

7 SIGNAL PHRASES “Sierra contends that a signal phrase can also preview the content of a quote: “It’s nice for your reader to know what to expect,” he says.

8 BLOCK FORMAT FOR LONG QUOTES If a quote will exceed four lines of type on your page, then you need to use the block format, says one expert: Do not use quotation marks. Double-space, please. And indent 10 spaces-two tabs- from the left margin. (Sierra)

9 QUOTE-WITHIN-A-QUOTE When you quote a passage that already contains a “quotation,” change the double quotes in the original text to “single quotes in your own ‘quotation.’”

10 LET’S READ THAT AGAIN… When you quote a passage that already contains a “quotation,” change the double quotes in the original text “to single quotes in your own ‘quotation.’”

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