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Chapter 3 Section 2 Buoyancy and Density

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1 Chapter 3 Section 2 Buoyancy and Density

2 Density Review Density = mass(g) volume(cm3)
The density of water is 1 g/cm3 A less dense object floats on a more dense object. The same is true for liquids.

3 Density Practice A piece of wood has a mass of 10g and a volume of 20 cm3. Will it float in water? A ball has a mass of 50g and a volume of 25 cm3. Will the ball float in water?

4 Buoyancy All liquids and gases exert a buoyant force on matter.
Gravity exerts a force downward. The buoyant force exerts an upward force.

5 Floating In order to float the buoyant force must be greater than the force from gravity. Gravity is a pulling force. Buoyancy is a pushing force.

6 Archimedes’ Principle
The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by an object. Example: A object displaces 50 N of water the buoyant force will be 50 N

7 Floating/Sinking If an object weighs 50N and displaces 50N of water, it will float. If an object weighs 150N and displaces 100N of water, it will sink.

8 Practice An object has a mass of 250g and displaces 200g of water. Does it float? An object has a mass of 50g and displaces 70g of water. Does it float?

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