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Weather. What do we know about weather? How do people measure and predict the weather?

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Presentation on theme: "Weather. What do we know about weather? How do people measure and predict the weather?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather

2 What do we know about weather? How do people measure and predict the weather?

3 Meteorologist A scientist who studies the weather What kind of tools do they use?

4 Thermometer Used to measure temperature measures the kinetic energy of air molecules Fahrenheit & Celsius thermometers

5 Anemometer Measures wind speed a system of gears converts the number of turns per minute into wind speed

6 Hygrometer Measures humidity the moisture in the air

7 Weather Vane Measures wind direction changes in wind usually lead to change in weather

8 Barometer Measures air pressure high pressure = clear cool skies low pressure = cloudy skies, moist air extreme low pressure = stormy weather

9 Cloud Conditions Observing clouds can tell a lot about the weather

10 Cumulus White & puffy fair weather

11 Cirrus High in the sky white thin & wispy fair weather

12 Stratus Low in the sky thick & gray usually bring rain

13 Cumulonimbus Tower high into the sky gray to black Thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes anvil shaped

14 How can rising air pressure lead to a prediction about weather?

15 Air Mass A large body of air that has the same temperature and humidity throughout take on the characteristics of the region over which they form 4 types in the the USA

16 Air Masses –Categorized by moisture content and temperature –Moisture categories: m = maritime (wet) and c = continental (dry) –Temperature categories: P (polar; cold), T (Tropical; warm)


18 Continental Polar Cool dry weather

19 Continental Tropical Hot dry weather

20 Maritime polar Cool humid weather

21 Maritime Tropical Warm wet weather

22 Front Border where two air masses meet most weather changes occur along a front cold front = cold air mass moves under a warm air mass creating cumulonimbus clouds warm front = a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass forming stratus clouds

23 What kind of air mass causes hot humid weather?

24 Climate The regular weather pattern for a region precipitation & temperature determine climate seasonal patterns all patterns are driven by the sun proximity to the equator determines temperature patterns

25 ????? What is the cause of the seasons? What are two major factors of climate? What kind of climate would you find near the equator? What kind of climate would you find at the poles?

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