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Climatic Changes During an average human lifetime, Climates do not appear to change. However, they are in a constant state of change.

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Presentation on theme: "Climatic Changes During an average human lifetime, Climates do not appear to change. However, they are in a constant state of change."— Presentation transcript:


2 Climatic Changes

3 During an average human lifetime, Climates do not appear to change. However, they are in a constant state of change

4 Long Term Climatic Changes Ice Ages Interglacial Intervals

5 Ice Ages - period of extensive glacial coverage. There have been several glacial advances and retreats


7 Interglacial Intervals - Warm periods between glaciation

8 Short Term Climatic Changes Seasons El Nino

9 Seasons - regular variations in daylight, temperature, and weather patterns


11 El Nino - Weakening of the equatorial current brings warmer waters to the west coast of South America


13 Evidences of Climatic Change

14 - Tree Rings - Ice Core Samples - Fossils - Radio Carbon Samples


16 Causes for Change

17 Human Activity - Pollution may aid global warming


19 Volcanic Activity - Dust blocks solar radiation lowering global temperatures


21 Solar Activity - increased solar activity causes increased global temps. 11yr cycle


23 Earth’s Orbit - More circular orbit = cooler global temps. 100,000 yr cycle


25 Earth’s Wobble - Reversal of Earth’s Tilt reverses seasons. 26,000 yr cycle


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