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Mis Amigos y Yo Sra. Waters MOT Charter. Manu Chao’s Me Gustas Tú 2 Canción para comenzar.

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Presentation on theme: "Mis Amigos y Yo Sra. Waters MOT Charter. Manu Chao’s Me Gustas Tú 2 Canción para comenzar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mis Amigos y Yo Sra. Waters MOT Charter

2 Manu Chao’s Me Gustas Tú 2 Canción para comenzar

3 Amigos en Español Video clip…. Most of you already know the words for our Unit’s title… So tell me what are we going to studying???





8 Unit Objectives Throughout this unit students will revisit: –Greetings & Salutations –the verb Ser in the present tense –Subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, etc) Students will also be able to: Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Practice using definite & indefinite articles Describe their personality & physical attributes as well as those of their friends Express likes and dislikes using the verb Gustar

9 Lesson Goals Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Introduce definite & indefinite articles

10 Abeja On your abeja sheet, list the names of at least 5 friends you have. Next class we’re going to list adjectives to describe them…

11 Essential Questions Q1: How can I figure out the gender of words in Spanish? Q2: What the heck is a definite article? Or an indefinite article? Do these exist in English? Q3: How are these 2 types of articles different? When should they be used in Spanish?

12 In Spanish many words have a gender…

13 Video Lessons Gender & Adjectives video clip –Sra. Ebert is going to teach this lesson for me….

14 Definite Articles help us figure out Gender Masculine nouns have the article "el" in singular form & the article "los" in plural. Feminine nouns have the article "la" in singular form & the article "las" in plural. When a plural includes both masculine and feminine elements, the masculine noun is used with the article "los" (for example: parents are "los padres", children are "los niños” ♂ ♀ el pasajero la pasajera el médico la médica el cirujanola cirujana el perro la perra

15 FEMININE Words 1) Words that end in – tad, – tud y – dad are FEMININE la amistad, la libertad la lentitud, la multitud, la juventud la felicidad, la calidad 2) Words that end in – ción y – sión are FEMININE la canción, la sensación, la imaginación la sesión, la ilusión, la revisión 3 Words that end in any letter of the A,B, C are FEMININE a, b, c, d, etc.

16 Definite/ Indefinite Articles DefinitivoIndefinitivo MasculinoFemeninoMasculinoFemenino Singularellaununa Pluralloslasunosunas Check out the worksheet…

17 Review 1x Video Lessons Spanish Articles

18 Online Help… http://www.e- panish/conversational_spanish panish/conversational_spanish

19 Exit Visa & A Song Spanish Articles Song –Notice this is a student project… I want us to get to this point! –On your abeja paper, answer the 3 EQs for today.

20 EQs for Exit Visa Q1: How can I figure out the gender of words in Spanish? Q2: What the heck is a definite article? Or an indefinite article? Do these exist in English? Q3: How are these 2 types of articles different? When should they be used in Spanish?

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