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Faites un poster : create a poster designating in french the parts of the body of a picture you have cut out from a magazine.

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Presentation on theme: "Faites un poster : create a poster designating in french the parts of the body of a picture you have cut out from a magazine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faites un poster : create a poster designating in french the parts of the body of a picture you have cut out from a magazine.

2 Feuille de Travail - Bonjour 1.Translate the body parts 2.Write down 9 sentences to describe the pictures. They need to have expressions with”avoir” including sicknesses(avoir mal à …) and to apply the rule……. + nom féminin = à la ( à la gorge,à la jambe) + nom masculin = à le = au ( au genou) + nom pluriel = à les = aux (aux pieds,aux jambes.)

3 Attention! Un genou=deux genoux Un oeil= deux yeux

4 Attention! Your grade: 1. 5( five) points your presentation = pronunciation, the neat paper. 2. 1( one) point for each correct written body part. You should write the body parts with the article as ; la tête, le bras.... 3. 1(one ) point for each correct translation of the body part from French into English. 4. 2 (two) points for each correct sentence. Total of points: 47 points = 100%

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