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*** 3 MINUTES *** Objective: Vocab/Ideas: Vámonos:

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1 *** 3 MINUTES *** Objective: Vocab/Ideas: Vámonos:
I can write sentences about a family in Spanish using possessive adjectives Family members (review) Next slide Possessive adjectives (review)

2 Mi sus Su tu tus su Mis sus mis tus su tus su Sus Su Su
Students should do numbers: 1, 3-5, 7, 9-14, 17, 19-21 tus su Sus Su Su

3 PRACTICAMOS Individually you will answer the following questions in your notes. I will give you a set amount of time. After the timer goes off, we will check the answers.

4 Sergio Pilar Juan Marcos Alejandro Juan Pilar y Carmen Juan y María Ana primo María y Pablo esposa Sergio y Carmen hermano Ana tía Marcos nieta Ana hermana hija Isabela sobrina Ana prima

5 ENTREVISTA Take out the textbook and turn to page 161

6 ENTREVISTA Blue Circle #6 Hablemos
Ask three classmates the following questions. Based on their answers, who is the most like you? Report your findings to the class. ¿Por qué? = why Porque = because

7 PRACTICE EXERCISES Take out the textbook and turn to page 160

8 ¿CIERTO O FALSO? Blue circle #1 Escuchemos
Mira el árbol genealógico (family tree) y escucha las oraciones. Indica si cada oración es cierta o falsa.

9 ¿QUIÉN ES QUIÉN? Blue Circle #2 Leamos/ Escribamos
Contesta las preguntas con base en el árbol genealógico de la Actividad 1.

10 DESCRIPCIONES Blue Circle #3 Leamos/Escribamos
Completa la descripción de cada foto con una respuesta lógica.

11 As fast as you can, write each family member in
MINUTO LOCO: As fast as you can, write each family member in Spanish Enlgish and then English  Spanish

12 Have you gotten your progress report signed yet???
TAREA Using your homework from last night (5 people that are related to you and how), write 5 “riddles” using possessive adjectives. Example: Your original sentence: Rachel es la hermana. Your riddle sentence: La madre de Rachel es mi madre Catherine. A different riddle sentence: La madre de mi hermana Rachel es mi madre Catherine.

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