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Capitulo 8 Vocabulario & Gramatica 1. ABRIGO  1. (Over) COAT.

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Presentation on theme: "Capitulo 8 Vocabulario & Gramatica 1. ABRIGO  1. (Over) COAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capitulo 8 Vocabulario & Gramatica 1

2 ABRIGO  1. (Over) COAT

3 BLUSA  2. Blouse

4 BOLSA  3. Purse

5 BOTAS  4. Boots

6 Los CALCETINES  5. Socks

7 CAMISA  6. Shirt

8 CAMISETA  7. T-shirt

9 CHAQUETA  8. Jacket

10 FALDA  9. Skirt

11 PANTALONES (CORTOS)  10. Pants (Shorts)

12 SACO  11. Suit jacket

13 SANDALIAS  12. Sandals

14 SOMBRERO  13. Hat

15 SUÉTER  14. Sweater

16 TRAJE DE BAÑO  15. Swimsuit

17 VESTIDO  16. Dress

18 ZAPATOS (de tenis)  17. Shoes

19 ABRIR  18. to open

20 CERRAR [e-ie]  19. to close

21 DEVOLVER [o-ue]  20. to return

22 LLEVAR  21. to wear

23 USAR  22. to use

24 ME GUSTARIA  23. I would like

25 DEPENDIENTE  24. clerk

26 CLIENTE  25. customer

27 De ALGODON  26. of cotton

28 De LANA  27. of wool

29 De SEDA  28. of silk

30 ¿En qué le puedo servir?  29. How can I help you?

31 Nada mas estoy mirando.  30. I’m just looking.

32 El Número  31. Shoe size

33 La Talla  32. Clothing size

34 Un par de…  33. A pair of…

35 Para hombres (mujeres/niños)  34. For men (women/ children)

36 Tienda de Ropa  35. Clothing Store

37 Pequeño 36. Small

38 Además 37. Besides

39 Barato 38. Cheap

40 Caro 39. Expensive

41 ¡Es un robo! 40. It’s a rip-off.

42 ¡Es una ganga! 41. It’s a good deal.

43 Feo 42. Ugly

44 Bonito 43. Pretty

45 A la última moda 44. In the latest style

46 Pasado de moda 45. Out of style

47 TENER RAZÓN 46. To be right

48 QUEDAR 47. To fit

49 ESTE (A) 48. This

50 ESE (A) 49. That

51 COSTAR [0-ue] 50. Cost

52 51. It costs $500 dollars.

53 52. They cost $901 dollars.

54 53. This coat

55 54. This skirt

56 55. These shorts

57 56. These t-shirts

58 57. Those shoes

59 58. Those boots

60 59. That suit coat

61 60. That jacket

62 61. More expensive than

63 62. Less expensive than (plural)

64 63. As expensive as

65 64. Good - Better

66 65. Bad - Worse

67 66. Young - Younger

68 67. Old - Older

69 68. It fits me well.

70 69. They fit you badly.

71 70. These boots are too small for me.

72 71. That skirt is too large for you.

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