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Loading Addins In Excel 2007 For BRB-ArrayTools,BRB-CGHTools, and RServer.

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Presentation on theme: "Loading Addins In Excel 2007 For BRB-ArrayTools,BRB-CGHTools, and RServer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loading Addins In Excel 2007 For BRB-ArrayTools,BRB-CGHTools, and RServer

2 Excel Options 1. Click on the Microsoft ‘Office’ button on the top left corner of the Excel menu. 2. Then, select the “Excel Options” button on the bottom right.

3 Trust Center 3. Click on “Trust Center” 4. Then click on “Trust Center Settings”

4 Marco Settings 5. Choose the “Macro Settings” from the left hand panel. 6. Check “Enable all macros” and “Trust access to VBA project.” 7. Click the “OK” button.

5 Add-Ins Tab 8. Choose the “Add-ins” option from the left hand tab. 9. Click “BRB-ArrayTools” on the Active or Inactive application add-in. 10. Hit the “Go” button down at the bottom.

6 Add-Ins 11. Check all the three “Add-ins”, BRB-ArrayTools, RServer and CGHTools. 12. Then click OK. Note: if any one is not listed in the Add-ins box, browse for the files.

7 Browse 13. Click on the Browse from the Add-ins button.

8 Browse for ArrayTools The default path for the BRB-ArrayTools add-in is: C:\Program Files\ArrayTools\ArrayTools\Excel\ArrayTools.xla

9 Select ArrayTools Select the “ArrayTools” and click “OK”.

10 Select RServer To include the RServer add-in, select the browse button again. The default path for the RServer add-in is: C:\Program Files\ArrayTools\Excel\RServer.xla Then click “OK”.

11 Browse and Select CGHTools To include the CGHTools add-in, select the browse button again. The default path for the BRB-CGHTools add-in is: C:\Program Files\CGHTools\Excel\CGHTools.xla Then click “OK”.

12 Check Add-Ins If you don’t see the “Add-ins” ribbon along side “Home Insert…Review View” panel at the top then please close Excel and re-start. On clicking on Add-Ins tab, all the three Add-Ins should be listed there namely: ArrayTools, CGHTools and RServer add-ins. For additional details please refer to the “ReadMe” file located under the “ArrayTools” installation folder.

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