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Target Setting for Good Progress. Current Situation AS/A Level - ALIS based on GCSE performance. Expressway/GCSE – Expected grades will be based on “expected”

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1 Target Setting for Good Progress

2 Current Situation AS/A Level - ALIS based on GCSE performance. Expressway/GCSE – Expected grades will be based on “expected” progress ie 3LP from KS2 levels. For subjects other than English, maths – best fit, combined with FFT indicator.

3 However… “Expected” progress (3LP) is not “good” progress (4LP). 2013 RaiseSchool 4LPNational 4LP English17%30% Maths16%32% 2014 RaiseSchool 4LPNational 4LP English Maths

4 Judging “good” progress Some Ofsted definitions: 97–100%Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all 80–96%Very large majority, most 65–79%Large majority 51–64%Majority 35–49%Minority 20–34%Small minority 4–19%Very small minority, few 0–3%Almost no/very few

5 For progress in a class to be good… At least “majority” (51-64%) should be making expected progress(3LP). At least “small minority” (20-34%) should be making good progress (4LP). Academy targets: 26% 4LP in English and maths.

6 Target setting from September 2015 Progress 8 becomes the new key measure. Measures input (KS2 fine points average of English and maths) against output (8 subjects’ scores divided by 10). Need a system for measuring progress towards Attainment 8 through the years/stages.

7 New Basics and Stage 1 Courses Disappearance of NC Levels. Use of grading matrices. Points and flight path show incremental progress. SISRA Analytics to incorporate Flight Path.

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