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Scaling and Modeling of Larval Settlement Satoshi Mitarai Oct. 19, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling and Modeling of Larval Settlement Satoshi Mitarai Oct. 19, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling and Modeling of Larval Settlement Satoshi Mitarai Oct. 19, 2005

2 GOAL OF “FLOW” Assess larval dispersal scales using idealized simulations of California Current Develop simple modeling to establish source-destination relationships –Without fluid dynamics simulations, which are time consuming

3 WHAT’S NEW? Weak upwelling case is added Larval dispersal scales are quantified A simple model to establish source- destination relationships is proposed –Accounts for spatial scales properly

4 TEMPERATURE FIELD (TOP VIEW) Strong upwelling Weak upwelling Summer Winter

5 MEAN TEMPERATURE FIELD (SUMMER) Simulation CalCOFI Shows reasonable agreement with CalCOFI data (Averaged over 6 realizations)

6 MEAN TEMPERATURE FIELD (WINTER) Simulation CalCOFI Shows a good agreement with CalCOFI data (Averaged over 6 realizations)

7 LARVAL TRAJECTORIES SummerWinter Eddies sweep larvae into “packet” which stays together thru much of pelagic stage

8 LAGRANGIAN STATISTICS 3.4 / 4.340 / 484.2 / 4.6 Poulain et al (1998) 4.3 / 4.532 / 382.9 / 3.5 Swenson et al (2001) 1.6 / 1.829 / 296.9 / 5.7 Winter Simulations 3.1 / 4.131 / 353.7 / 3.7 Summer Simulations Diffusivity Zonal / Merid Length Scale Zonal / Merid Time scale Zonal / Merid Data Set Winter shows more correlation in time & less diffusivity

9 LARVAL TRANSPORT & SETTLEMENT Summer Winter More settlers are observed in winter

10 ONLY SETTLERS SummerWinter

11 ALONGSHORE DISPERSAL KERNEL SummerWinter Gaussian fitting More alongshore travel distance in summer (Obtained from 6 realizations) AVG = -122 km, STD = 103 kmAVG = -80 km, STD = 92 km

12 CROSS-SHORE DISPERSAL KERNEL Lognormal fitting SummerWinter More offshore travel distance in summer Settlers move out nearshore habitat before settle (Obtained from 6 realizations)

13 ARRIVAL DIAGRAM Summer 15 days 21 days 43 km 64 km Using variogram … Winter

14 CONNECTIVITY MATRIX Summer Winter 48 km 53 km

15 SUMMARY Travel distance & survivability shows difference between summer & winter –More travel distance in summer –Lower survivability in summer Settlement scales do not show much difference between summer & winter –Arrival length ~ 50 km –Arrival time ~ a few weeks –Connectivity length ~ 50 km

16 CONNECTIVITY MATRIX MODEL Diffusion model Spiky kernel model Neither one accounts for spatial structures

17 A NEW MODEL FOR CONNECTIVITY MATRIX Idea: model settlement events as a summation of “settlement packets” –Number –Size –Source locations –Travel distance Rossby radius (~50 km) Randomly (uniform distribution) Randomly (dispersal kernel)

18 Determine # of settlement packets N = (T/t) (L/l) f (D/l) NUMBER OF SETTLEMENT PACKETS T: Larval release duration t: Lagrangian correlation time L: domain size l: Rossby radius f: survivability D: standard deviation of dispersal kernel Total # of released packets # of settlement events per packet

19 MODEL PREDICTIONS SummerWinter Accounts for spatial structures

20 DIFFUSION LIMIT Packet model 1 season 6 seasons 12 seasons 120 seasons 1 season 6 seasons 12 seasons Diffusion Flow simulation Diffusion model

21 NEXT STEPS Use proposed model in F 3 model Investigate effect of larval behavior –Preliminary study has been already done Investigate effect of coastal topography


23 LAGRANGIAN STATISTICS 3.4 / 4.340 / 484.2 / 4.6 Poulain et al (1998) 4.3 / 4.532 / 382.9 / 3.5 Swenson et al (2001) 1.6 / 1.829 / 296.9 / 5.7 Winter Simulations 3.1 / 4.131 / 353.7 / 3.7 Summer Simulations Diffusivity Zonal / Merid Length Scale Zonal / Merid Time scale Zonal / Merid Data Set Simulations: 6 realizations, 6000 particles Swenson et al (2001): late spring to early fall, 1985-1990, 124 drifters, 18N-40N Poulain et al (1998): early spring to late fall, 1985-1986, 29 drifters, 18N-36N

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