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Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: An Overview Wendell Véras Vinícius Remígio Jacques Robin.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: An Overview Wendell Véras Vinícius Remígio Jacques Robin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: An Overview Wendell Véras Vinícius Remígio Jacques Robin

2 Outline 1.Requirements of a MAS modeling language (chapter 3) 2.Package structure and link with UML2 and OCL2  Relation to UML2 metamodel (section 4.5)  AML metamodel package structure (chapter 9)  AML extension of UML notation (chapter 8)  AML extension of UML metamodel (chapter 15)  AML diagrams (chapter 16)  AML extension of OCL metamodel (chapter 17) 3.MAS, entities and semi-entities (sections 5.1-2) 4. Modeling mechanisms (chapter 6)  Class vs. instance  Abstract vs. concrete entity types  Autonomy 5.Structural aspects (sections 5.3, 6.1-2) 6.Social aspects (section 5.4, 6.3, 6.6) 7.Deployments (section 5.5, 6.4) 8.Behaviors (section 5.6, 6.5) 9.Mental aspects (section 5.7, 6.7) 10.Ontologies (section 5.8, 6.8) Sugestão: Wendell 5-10, Vinícius 1-4

3 Requirements of a MAS modelling language  Theorically sound:  best practices from AOSE and OOSE domains  Well specified and documented:  Detailed and comprehenseive specification of its syntax, semantics and use  Comprehensive  Enables to create complex models of systems  Consistent  Conceptual, semantic and syntatic perspectives  Easy to use  Modelling constructs are easy to learn and apply  Extensible  Allows to specialize and extend the provided modelling means  Generic  Independent of any particular thory, process or technology  Automatable  CASE tools support

4 Requirements of a MAS modelling language  Challenges  Satisfy all those quality criteria  None of the existing agent-oriented modelling languages are able to satisfy them  Quality criteria specified are generics  Used as general rules for designing any software modeling/ specification language  Evaluation criteria to other modeling/specification language

5 AML Architecture  Based on UML 2.0 Superstructure!!!  KobrA2 Metamodel and Profile are also based on UML2 superstructure  An integration can be easily provided  Advantages of AML  Reuse well-defined  Mechanisms for specifying and extending UML-based languages  (metamodel and UML profiles)  Ease of incorporation into existing UML—based CASE tools

6 AML Architecture  UML level  UML2 Superstructure defines abstract syntax, semantics  Used to define MAS-specific modeling constructs  AML metamodel and notation  Defines AML syntax, semantics and notation  AML Kernel  Core of AML  Specific modeling elements are defined  UML extension for AML  Adds meta-properties and structural constraints to the standard UML elements  AML Profile  Define own language extensions to customize AML for specific modeling elements

7 AML metamodel package structure

8 AML Entities and Semi-entities  Multi-agent System  Composed by several agents  Mutual interactions  AML MAS consists in Agents and other entity types (environments and resources

9 AML Entities and Semi-entities  Entities  Entity types interconnected such as named agents, environments and resources  Represented by concrete classes in MAS conceptual metamodel  Categorized according their specific characteristics into several categories expressed by abstract classes used as superclasses  Semi-Entities  Abstract metamodelling concepts  Defines features specific to a particular entity, however does not represent an entity  Entities inherit features from semi-entities

10 AML Entities and Semi-entities  AML conceptual metamodel of MAS defines:  Structural semi-entity  Capability of entity to have attributes  To be decomposed and to be linked into other structural semi-entities  Socialized semi-entity  Represents the capability of an entity to form societies and social relationships  Behaviored semi-entity  Ability to own capabilities  Interact with other behaviored semi-entities  Provide and use services  Observe and effect their environment  To be decomposed into behavior fragments  Mental semi-entity  Capability to possess mental attitudes  Objectives, needs, motivations, desires, believes

11 AML Entities and Semi-entities  Entity  Represent independent object  Can be hosted by agent execution environments  Behavioral entity  Represents entities having features of behaviored semi-entities and socialized semi-entities  Autonomous entity  Self-contained entities capable of autonomous behavior in their environment  Resource  Physical or an informational entity within the system  Available and usable  Agent  Specialized autonomous entity  Autonomy: control over its own state aand behavior  Proactive, reactive  Ability to interact: interact with its environment  Perceptions, effecting actions  Environment  Collection of entities which provides conditions to exist and function  Aspects of world  Principles (laws, rules, constraints, policies, services...)  Their properties can change over time

12 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Presentation options for some UML elements  Provides more intuitive and comprehensive notation

13 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Stereotype classifier  Components  Component is a UML CompositeStructure  Can Provide and/or require Interface(s)  Can be composed by ComponentRealization

14 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Stereotype classifier  Classes  Class diagram of Kernel Package

15 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Stereotype classifier  Interface  Contents of Interface package

16 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  ConnectableElement with stereotyped type  Abstract metaclass representing a set of instance that plays roles of a classifier  A ConnectableElement Company is an accountOwner in a ConnectableElement Bank

17 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Connector with a stereotyped type  Specifies a link that connects two or more instances  Link can be an instance of Association  Connectors Diagrams

18 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Lifeline with a stereotyped type

19 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Composed lifelines in communication diagrams  Lifelines that represents owned attributes of a StructuredClassifier can be nested within Lifeline

20 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  ObjectNode with a stereotyped type  ObjectNode is an abstract activity  Indicates an instance of a particular classifier, in a parcicular state, available at a particular point activity  Presentation option can be applied to all ObjectNode subclasses  EliminateIntruder is an Activity having an ActivityParameterNode

21 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Bi-directional dependencies  opposite Dependencies of the same kind connect two Named-Elements  (a) UML Notation (b) Simplified Notation

22 Extentions to Standard UML Notations  Internal structure of Connectable elements

23 UML extension for AML  Adds meta-properties defined in AML kernel package to UML 2.0 Superstructure metaclass  Optional part of language

24 UML extension for AML  Extended Actor  Specialized AutonomousEntityType  Own MentalProperties  Capabilities  be decomposed into BehaviorFragments,  provide and/or use service  observe and/or effect its environment  play entity roles  participate in social relationships  specify values of the meta-attributes defined by the Socialized-SemiEntityType

25 UML extension for AML  Extended BehavioralFeature  Can also specify meta-associations: pre-conditions, post-conditions, inputs and outputs  AgentType SoccerRobot and its action shoot() with some constraints

26 UML extension for AML  Extended Behavior  Can also specify meta-associations: pre-conditions, post-conditions, inputs and outputs  Activity SubstitutionAlgorithm can specify pre- and post-conditions

27 Diagrams  Diagram frames  AML extends UML2 notation  Alternative syntax of the heading of diagram  List of template parameters for diagram frames which represent templates  Kind is the type  Owner is the name of namespace enclosing  Diagram name: the name of diagram (¬¬)  Property-string specifies the tagged name of namespace enclosing

28 Diagrams  AML extends UML2 diagram frame kinds

29 Diagrams  TemplateParameters  AML frames representing the templates can specify the list of TemplateParameters is placed in a dashed retangle  Subsets can be depicted in the form of stereotyped lists, or placed into separate compartments

30 Diagrams  AML extends the set of diagram types defined by UML with the following diagram types  Mental Diagram:  Used to capture mental attitudes of mental semi- entities (goals, plans, beliefs and MentalRelationships)  Goal-based requirements diagram  Contains specification of the system stakeholder’s mental attitudes  Society diagram  Capture the global view of MAS’ architecture  Entity diagram  Capture details of the internal structure of an EntityType  Service diagram  Shows a specification of a service  Ontology diagram  Shows a specification of an ontology

31 Diagrams (cont.)  AML extends the set of diagram types defined by UML with the following diagram types  Behavior Decomposition Diagram  Shows BehaviorFramgments, owned Capabilities and their mutual Relationships  Protocol Sequence diagram  Specification of an InterationProtocol in the form of a Sequence Diagram  Protocol Communication diagram  Specification of an InterationProtocol in th form of Communication diagram  Service Protocol Sequence diagram  Specification of an ServiceProtocol in th form of Sequence diagram  Service Protocol Communication diagram  Specification of an ServiceProtocol in th form of Communication diagram  MAS Deployment diagram  Deployment of MAS to a physical environment and structural aspects of mobility

32 Extension of OCL  AML defines set of operations to extend OCL to include expressions belonging:  Modal Logic  Deontic Logic  Temporal Logic  Dynamic Logic

33 Extension of OCL  Dynamic Logic (cont.)  Epistemic Logic

34 Extension of OCL  BDI Logic  Other operators

35 Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: An Overview Wendell Véras Vinícius Remígio Jacques Robin

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