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Library Instruction for All: Exploring Ways to Accommodate All Learning Styles in and out of the Classroom Vivienne Piroli Reference/Instruction Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Instruction for All: Exploring Ways to Accommodate All Learning Styles in and out of the Classroom Vivienne Piroli Reference/Instruction Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Instruction for All: Exploring Ways to Accommodate All Learning Styles in and out of the Classroom Vivienne Piroli Reference/Instruction Librarian Simmons College Libraries, Boston, MA LOEX 2003 Reflective Teaching - A Bridge to Learning

2 Knowledge versus Understanding Learning - a complex process Develop support networks - professional literature - conferences - workshops - staff development Create, implement, and refine processes

3 Bibliographic Instruction Group (BIG) - peer coaching - think tank - resources exchange Goals - seek and create instruction opportunities - establish baseline skills, concepts, and capabilities

4 Instruction Opportunities - reference desk - research appointments - online tutorials and research aids - e-mail and bulletin boards - course management software - workshops - classroom instruction

5 Identifying Instruction Opportunities - reference appointments - reference desk transactions - using digital reference software for virtual instruction - extending print guides to an online medium - classroom teaching

6 Baseline abilities - challenges - computer literacy - part-time and distance students - lack of a curriculum based information literacy program - campus organizational changes - generations x and y

7 David Kolb Experiential Learning - Concrete Experience - Reflective Observation - Abstract Conceptualization - Active Experimentation

8 Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualization Process PerceptionPerception AccomodatorDiverger AssimilatorConverger Kolb’s Model

9 Divergers - “Why?” Assimilators - “What is there to know?” Convergers - “How?” Accomodators - “What would happen if I did this?”

10 Multidisciplinary Core Course - first year, two semester course - 18 students per section - 18 sections - 80 minutes twice weekly - writing, research, and critical thinking skills

11 Librarians conducted MCC research workshops in spring semester In 2000 librarians given additional class in fall semester - Library Jeopardy is born! Friendly introduction to the library, its staff, resources and services Consisted of a self-guided library tour followed by a game of library jeopardy

12 Self-guided tour - 13 colorful posters throughout the library - tone colloquial - offered information on topics such as -- searching the catalog -- how to print -- why you need an ID in the library -- top ten questions to ask at the Reference desk




16 Index cards with MCC related topics Handout of LC Call Numbers and Subjects and their locations within the Beatley Library



19 Workshops - 80 minutes per section - held in computer classroom - faculty in attendance - librarian and rover leading session

20 Active learning techniques Fun with Boolean! Brainstorming & concept mapping Organizing ideas

21 Web-based Course Guide

22 MCC students hard at work Diverger? Assimilator? Converger? Accomodator?

23 Assessments

24 Live Digital Reference - AskNow Software allowed for: - chat - co-browsing - application sharing - streaming video - voice over IP

25 Potential as a teaching tool - extend traditional desk service - ability to e-mail chat transcript to patron - guide patrons through Web and database searches - highlight suitable print resources - use digitized versions of library handouts and guides

26 User end

27 Librarian end

28 Transcript is saved as a text file and...

29 Sent via e-mail to the address in the call info box.

30 Handouts in a variety of formats

31 Reference interview - a problem solving opportunity Librarians’ behavior and actions relating to student learning Understanding learning styles increases understanding of student behavior

32 With students at their workstation

33 Reference Interview - teachable moment


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