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Tremough Intro- The Project A joint project between UCE and UCF, from different disciplines Shared spaces- The Exchange The Exchange will be home to:

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2 Tremough

3 Intro- The Project A joint project between UCE and UCF, from different disciplines Shared spaces- The Exchange The Exchange will be home to: a reception area, seminar and lecture space, student services and an extension to the library. The exchange is envisioned as a ‘heart’ for Tremough Campus, and a one stop shop for students from both Exeter and Falmouth. What students want from the Exchange?

4 Collecting data Mood Boards Five mood boards were placed around campus in areas where we expected the most feedback and to ensure that we reached students of both institutions in their different study areas. These areas were, The Stannary, outside the FXU office, the Design Centre foyer, the Library entrance and the HuSS Pc Cluster in the Peter Lanyon building.

5 Questionnaires The questionnaire with designed to be open, provocative questions to get the most feedback. We decided to have a range of questions from our key areas. The paper questionnaires were taken around campus by the Students as Agents of Change and left in strategic places with boxes for their return. The online questionnaire was linked from The Learning Space and FXU Facebook groups.

6 Seminar rooms with natural light. ‘Study dungeons’ Light switches rather than the current sensor lights.

7 Exterior of the Daphne du Maurier Building. There is glass all the way around, with views across Penryn and Falmouth, but the seminar rooms inside are fully enclosed with no natural light

8 Purpose-built group workspaces The current computer room is ideal for a single student working on a project, but is not suited to a group of students working around the same computer to complete a group task.

9 Social learning spaces Social learning spaces are not a luxury but an imperative. Students feel that there is no middle ground - there is the Library where one can study, or the bar where one can socialise. There is currently no space where one can meet informally with peers or lecturers after guest lectures or the like to discuss ideas

10 The recent JISC ‘Designing Spaces for Effective Learning’ project outlines the benefits of social learning spaces. “Well-designed social spaces are likely to increase students’ motivation and may even have an impact on their ability to learn. High- quality space for informal learning will also enhance the profile of the institution with its target groups. For these reasons, social spaces are given a high priority in new designs.” (Page 28)

11 Learning cafe Almost every questionnaire returned highlighted the need for an internet café. A learning café at Tremough would achieve this objective and help create a ‘heart’ for the campus as well as a welcome addition for visitors.

12 Student work on display Students at Tremough produce a multitude of art, design, media and performance artefacts that could create a more stimulating learning environment. The new Exchange development would mitigate the somewhat stark and spartan nature of the existing environment and create a more comfortable and inspirational place to work By placing student work around the campus it would not only create a better more relaxed learning environment, but also it would showcase the creativity and talent that exists on campus to visitors, parents, visiting academics and potential students

13 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Students also voiced concerns that the new building should both echo the previous building in style and appearance as well as having a commitment to a low environmental impact. Students hope that this will be possible with the Exchange building and that it will have a low impact on the surrounding environment as well as maintain the ‘green’ credentials of the other campus buildings.

14 Recommendations of the Project 1.Seminar rooms with natural light. 2.Purpose-built group workspaces including groups of desks with WiFi and computers with larger screens and enough seating for group work. 3.Social learning spaces with flexible seating for informal discussion and group work. 4.Learning cafe, for both developing a campus heart and creating a better environment for student learning. 5.More Student work on display.

15 Students still involved in consultation Students have been involved in all levels of the project and design process. All key points have been considered when make any decisions about the project. Hopefully the Students as Agents of Change project will continue at Tremough.

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