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INSPIRE England A referral and access scheme for academic, national and public libraries INSPIRE: empowering learners through libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "INSPIRE England A referral and access scheme for academic, national and public libraries INSPIRE: empowering learners through libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSPIRE England A referral and access scheme for academic, national and public libraries INSPIRE: empowering learners through libraries

2 The Society of College, National and University Libraries What are we trying to achieve?  Cross-sectoral access pathway to information & knowledge for learners  Link across 875 HE, 4610 public and 3 national libraries in the UK  Interweave current network of successful access partnerships into single pathway irrespective of geography and sector  All libraries continue to fulfil current responsibilities to users  Managed reciprocal access and referral to other libraries with relevant collections and materials  LIS workforce development: building capacity and awareness of LIS resources across the UK

3 The Society of College, National and University Libraries What are we trying to achieve?  Widen horizons  Resource-sharing enhances access for all  Our staff become more aware of the resources available to our primary users  Standard of resource discovery and information literacy enhanced across current users of public and academic libraries  We aim to reach non-users and those currently excluded from access to learning opportunities

4 The Society of College, National and University Libraries What are we building upon?  Regional & National consortia  Currently 45 regional, national & local consortia  Significant number include borrowing rights across HEIs  Many cross-sectoral covering public, FE, health, some workplace  Some cross-domain examples (archives/ libraries/ museums)

5 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE context INSPIRE context Libraries & Learners in London (LLiL)  INSPIRE’s inspiration  Launched May 2002 and now enhanced beyond public & academic to incorporate many special libraries  Learning from LLiL: a major part of the Inspire England rollout  From major metropolitan area to issues of rural conurbations, more dispersed populations, different transport infrastructure

6 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE partners  BL, NLS, NLW  Learning & Skills Council  SCL (England, Northern Ireland and Wales)  SCONUL  Scottish Library & Information Council  Support from regional MLAs

7 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE England objectives  Develop cross-regional library access map for adult learners  Encourage access by adult learners displaced in the educational system  Provide opportunities and access for socially excluded individuals and groups  Guide learners to libraries with collections and materials relevant to their needs

8 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE North West  Survey of existing access arrangements  Liverpool case studies  Testing services of Liverpool Partnership with groups of asylum seekers and refugees  Cumbria case studies  Worked with three groups of learners from Eden Rural Foyer, SureStart and the Open University

9 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE North West  Working with NW MLA  Training programme delivered in Liverpool & Cumbria  Raising awareness of INSPIRE through professional LIS groups

10 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE England deliverables  Standard access agreement for learners from outside the HE sector agreed with the majority of HE Institutions in the 3 regions built from the LLiL experience  Clear referral process to take learners between public & HE library systems without barriers apparent to the learner  Staff briefing materials for front line, technical and senior staff

11 The Society of College, National and University Libraries INSPIRE England deliverables  Training the trainers programme to empower effective local delivery of staff briefing and training materials for 66 HEIs & 31 public library authorities in the North West and West Midlands regions  Marketing strategy to reach library staff and users/non- users  Recommendations on further rollout in England

12 The Society of College, National and University Libraries What are we working on now?  Role of a national Project Manager  Networking with regional and national projects  Ensuring coherence of “national offer” for learners and libraries alike  Marketing service to communities of lifelong learners and aspirant HE learners  Managing development of website as an operational service  Future sustainability of UK INSPIRE service

13 The Society of College, National and University Libraries The role of the North West  Pilot projects will feed into development of INSPIRE England  Training the trainers programme will continue  Cheshire, Lancashire & Manchester  NW Libraries Event at Manchester University 25 th June, organised by NW MLA

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