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1 The Law of Semantic Balance brief introduction of the concept Vagan Terziyan University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Law of Semantic Balance brief introduction of the concept Vagan Terziyan University of Jyvaskyla, Finland"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Law of Semantic Balance brief introduction of the concept Vagan Terziyan University of Jyvaskyla, Finland e-mail:

2 2 Metasemantics

3 3 Semantic Predicate AiAi AjAj LkLk AiAi LkLk Relation (i  j) Property (i = j)

4 4 State of a Semantic Net

5 5 The Law of Semantic Balance

6 6 An Object in Possible World

7 7 Internal and External View of an Object

8 8 Internal semantics of object is equal to semantic sum of all chains of semantic relations that start and finish on the shell of this object and pass inside it: Internal Semantics of an Object

9 9 External Semantics of an Object External semantics of object is equal to internal semantics of the World if consider this object as an Atom in this World (i.e. after removing internal structure of the object from the World):

10 10 External and internal semantics of any object as evolutionary knowledge are equivalent to each other in a limit. The Law of Semantic Balance

11 11 The Evolution of Knowledge

12 12 Published and Further Developed in Terziyan V., Multilevel Models for Knowledge Bases Control and Their Applications to Automated Information Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences Degree Thesis, Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics, 1993. Grebenyuk V., Kaikova H., Terziyan V., Puuronen S., The Law of Semantic Balance and its Use in Modeling Possible Worlds, In: STeP-96 - Genes, Nets and Symbols, Publications of the Finnish AI Society, Vaasa, Finland, 1996, pp. 97-103. Terziyan V., Puuronen S., Knowledge Acquisition Based on Semantic Balance of Internal and External Knowledge, In: I. Imam, Y.Kondratoff, A. El-Dessouki and A. Moonis (Eds.), Multiple Approaches to Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, V. 1611, 1999, pp. 353-361.

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