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Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis EUROGRAPHICS 2000 Speaker: 彭任右, GAME Lab Date: 4/18/2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis EUROGRAPHICS 2000 Speaker: 彭任右, GAME Lab Date: 4/18/2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis EUROGRAPHICS 2000 Speaker: 彭任右, GAME Lab Date: 4/18/2005

2 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 2 Outline Introduction Framework Results Conclusions & Future Work

3 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 3 Introduction Multiresolution Representation A coarse base signal. A hierarchy of motion displacement maps. Spread Spectrum Embed a watermark into a wide range of frames in a motion signal. Watermarking Perturbing larger detail coefficients in displacement maps.

4 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 4 Displacement Map Reduction Smoothing followed by down-sampling Expansion By subdividing Up-sampling followed by smoothing M = M ’ ⊕ D

5 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 5 Multiresolution Representation M (N) : The original motion M (0) : The coarsest signal Original Signal M (3) M (2) M (1) M (0)

6 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 6 Watermarking Perturb large coefficient (robust) with small magnitude (imperceptible).

7 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 7 Watermark Generation Watermark w = {w 1, …, w m } w i is sampled independently from a normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance. Use MD5 (Cryptographic hash function) to seed random number generator.

8 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 8 Watermark Extraction

9 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 9 Similarity Remove outliers which differences from the mean value are greater than a threshold. Linear Correlation

10 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 10 Motion Aligning Resist the Crop or Non-uniformly Scale. Using the Dynamic Time Warping scheme.

11 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 11 Results

12 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 12 Results false-positive The probability of incorrectly asserting that the data is watermarked.

13 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 13 Results

14 Alvin/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Robust Motion Watermarking based on Multiresolution Analysis 14 Conclusions & Future Work A practical method to watermark a motion. Two novel ideas: Spread Spectrum and Multiresolution Representation Robust to various signal processing Resilient to more complex motion editing.

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