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Van der Pol. Convergence  The damped driven oscillator has both transient and steady-state behavior. Transient dies outTransient dies out Converges to.

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Presentation on theme: "Van der Pol. Convergence  The damped driven oscillator has both transient and steady-state behavior. Transient dies outTransient dies out Converges to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Van der Pol

2 Convergence  The damped driven oscillator has both transient and steady-state behavior. Transient dies outTransient dies out Converges to steady stateConverges to steady state

3 Equivalent Circuit  Oscillators can be simulated by RLC circuits. Inductance as mass Resistance as damping Capacitance as inverse spring constant v in v C L R

4 Negative Resistance  Devices can exhibit negative resistance. Negative slope current vs. voltageNegative slope current vs. voltage Examples: tunnel diode, vacuum tubeExamples: tunnel diode, vacuum tube  These were described by Van der Pol. R. V. Jones, Harvard University

5 Steady State  Assume an oscillating solution. Time varying amplitude V Slow time variation  The equation for V follows from substitution and approximation.  The steady state is based on the relative damping terms.

6 Frequency Locking  The amplitude term can be separated. Two coupled equations Detuning term d Locking coefficient l  The detuning is roughly the frequency difference.  For small driving force the locking coefficient depends on the relative damping.

7 Relaxation Oscillator  The Van der Pol oscillator shows slow charge build up followed by a sudden discharge.  The oscillations are self sustaining, even without a driving force. Wolfram Mathworld

8 Limit Cycle  The phase portraits show convergence to a steady state.  This is called a limit cycle. next

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