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Keith Tovey M.A., PhD, CEng, MICE Energy Science Director: Low Carbon Innovation Centre Marcus Armes CRed Climate Change; Renewable Energy: Hard Choices.

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Presentation on theme: "Keith Tovey M.A., PhD, CEng, MICE Energy Science Director: Low Carbon Innovation Centre Marcus Armes CRed Climate Change; Renewable Energy: Hard Choices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keith Tovey M.A., PhD, CEng, MICE Energy Science Director: Low Carbon Innovation Centre Marcus Armes CRed Climate Change; Renewable Energy: Hard Choices Ahead University of East Anglia

2 Options for Electricity Generation in 2020 - Non-Renewable Methods Difficult Choices Ahead

3 Options for Electricity Generation in 2020 - Renewable GOVERNMENT EFFORTS to quadruple power generated from offshore wind farms by 2010 will fail because it is assuming unproven technology will deliver higher capacity turbines, contractors warned this week. Offshore wind looses up to 8% of electricty compared to onshore.

4 Options for Electricity Generation in 2020 - Renewable



7 Our Choices: They are difficult If our answer is NO Do we want to return to using coal? then carbon dioxide emissions will rise significantly unless we can develop carbon sequestration within 10 years which is unlikely If our answer to coal is NO Do we want to leave things are they are and see continued exploitation of gas for both heating and electricity generation? >>>>>> Do we want to exploit available renewables i.e onshore/offshore wind and biomass. If our answer is NO Do we want to see a renewal of nuclear power Are we happy on this and the other attendant risks?

8 Our Choices: They are difficult If our answer is YES By 2020 we will be dependent on around 70% of our heating and electricity from GAS imported from countries like Russia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Algeria Are we happy with this prospect? >>>>>> If not: We need even more substantial cuts in energy use. Or are we prepared to sacrifice our future to effects of Global Warming? Do we wish to reconsider our stance on renewables? Inaction or delays in decision making will lead us down the GAS option route and all the attendant Security issues that raises.

9 Our Choices: They are difficult A diverse supply of renewables across the country will provide security. A diverse renewable supply will be local less prone to cascade power cuts Conventional generation is based on large units: 500 – 660 MW Failure of one of these requires much greater backup Localised generation reduces transmission/distribution losses BUT: Aren’t Renewables unreliable? – we need secure supply

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