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Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation João Alexandre Leite José Júlio Alferes Luís Moniz Pereira CENTRIA – New University of Lisbon Wien,

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1 Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation João Alexandre Leite José Júlio Alferes Luís Moniz Pereira CENTRIA – New University of Lisbon Wien, 18 Sep. 2001 LPNMR’01

2 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation2 Motivation zIn Dynamic Logic Programming (DLP) knowledge is given by a sequence of Programs zEach program represents a different state of our knowledge, where different states may be: ydifferent time points, different hierarchical instances, different viewpoints, etc. zDifferent states may have mutually contradictory or overlapping information. zDLP, using the relations between states, determines the semantics at each one.

3 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation3 Motivation (2) zLUPS was presented as a language to build DLPs zIt can been used to: ymodel evolution of knowledge in time yreason about actions yreason about hierarchies, … zBut how to combine several of these aspects in a single system?

4 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation4 Motivation Example zThe parliament issues law L1 at time t1. zThe local authority issues law L2 at t2 > t1 zParliament laws override local laws, but not vice-versa. zMore recent laws have precedence over older ones L2L1 L2 zHow to combine these two dimension of knowledge precedence? ë DLP with Multiple Dimensions (MDLP)

5 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation5 Multi-dimensional DLP zIn MDLP knowledge is given by a set of programs zEach program represents a different state of our knowledge. zStates are connected by a DAG zMDLP, using the relations between states and their precedence in the DAG, determines the semantics at each state. zAllows for combining knowledge which evolve in various dimensions.

6 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation6 2 Dimensional Lattice

7 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation7 Acyclic Digraph (DAG)

8 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation8 Generalized Logic Programs zTo represent negative information in LP and their updates, we need LPs with not in heads zObject formulae are generalized LP rules: A  B 1,…, B k, not C 1,…,not C m not A  B 1,…, B k, not C 1,…,not C m zThe semantics is a generalization of SMs

9 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation9 MDLPs definition  Definition: A Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Program, P, is a pair ( P D,D) where D=(V,E) is an acyclic digraph and P D ={P V : v  V} is a set of generalized logic programs indexed by the vertices v  V of D.

10 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation10 MDLP - Semantics  Definition: Let P =( P D,D) be a Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Program, where P D ={P V : v  V} and D=(V,E). An interpretation M s is a stable model of P at state s  V iff: M s =least([ P s – Reject(s, M s )]  Defaults ( P s, M s )) P s =  j  s P i

11 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation11 MDLP - Semantics M=least([ P s – Reject(s, M s )]  Defaults ( P s, M s )) where: Reject(s, M s )= {r  P i |  r’  P j, i  j  s, head(r)=not head(r’)  M s  body(r’)} Defaults ( P s, M s )={not A |  r  P s : head(r)=A  M s  body(r)} P s =  j  s P i

12 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation12 Example 1 P s1 P s2 P r1 P r2 P sr {a  c} {b}{b} {not a  c} {c}{c} {} zSemantics at r1: M = {b, not a, not c} Reject(r1,M) = {} Default( P,M) = {not a, not b} zSemantics at s1: M = {not a, not b, not c} Reject(s1,M) = {} Default( P,M) = M zSemantics at sr: M = {b, not a, c} Reject(sr,M) = {a  c} Default( P,M) = {}

13 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation13 Example 1 (cont) P s1 P s2 P r1 P r2 P sr {a  c} {b}{b} {not a  c} {c}{c} {} zSemantics at r1: M = {b, not a, not c} Reject(r1,M) = {} Default( P,M) = {not a, not b} zSemantics at s1: M = {a, b, c} Reject(s1,M) = {not a  c} Default( P,M) = {} zSemantics at sr: M = {not a, not b, not c} Reject(sr,M) = {} Default( P,M) = M

14 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation14 Example 2 P t1a1 {p  q} {q}{q} {not p  q} {} zSemantics at t2a1: M = {p, q} Reject(t2a1,M) = {} Default( P,M) = {} zSemantics at t1a2: M = {not p, not q} Reject(t1a2,M) = {} Default( P,M) = M zSemantics at t2a2: M = {q, not p} Reject(sr,M) = {not p  q} Default( P,M) = {} P t1a2 P t2a2 P t2a1

15 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation15 Towards an implementation of MDLP zHow to implement MDLP? zPre-process a MDLP at state s into a single generalized program, where the stable models at s are the stable models of the single program. zQuery-answering is reduced to that at single programs.

16 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation16 MDLP – Syntactical Transformation  Definition: Let P =( P D,D) be a Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Program, where P D ={P V : v  V} and D=(V,E), including a special empty source s0. The dynamic program update over P at the state s  S is a logic program  s P with:  (RP) Rewritten program rules  (IR) Inheritance rules  (RR) Rejection Rules  (CRS) Current State Rules  (UR) Update Rules  (DR) Default Rules  (GR) Graph Rules

17 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation17 Syntactical Transformation  (RP) Rewritten program rules A Pv  B 1, …, B m, C’ 1, …, C’ n A´ Pv  B 1, …, B m, C’ 1, …, C’ n for any rule A  B 1, …, B m, not C 1, …, not C n not A  B 1, …, B m, not C 1, …, not C n in P v

18 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation18  (GR) Graph rules edge(u,v)(for every u < v  E ) path(X,Y)  edge(X,Y). path(X,Y)  edge(X,Z), path(Z,Y). Syntactical Transformation

19 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation19  (IR) Inheritance rules A v  A u, not reject(A u ), edge(u,v) A´ v  A´ u, not reject(A´ u ), edge(u,v)  (RR) Rejection rules reject(A u )  A´ P u, path(u,v) reject(A´ u )  A P u, path(u,v) Syntactical Transformation

20 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation20  (UP) Update rules A v  A Pv A’ v  A’ Pv  (DR) Default rules A’ s0  (CSR) Current state rules A  A s not A  A’ s Syntactical Transformation

21 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation21 MDLP - Results zTheorem: The stable models of the program  s P coincide with the stable models of P at state s according to the semantical characterization. zTheorem: Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Programming generalizes Dynamic Logic Programming.

22 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation22 MDLP applications zCombining agents’ knowledge yDistributed (and heterogeneous) KBs yProgram composition zEvolution of hierarchical knowledge yLegal reasoning ye-commerce policy integration and evolution yOrganizational decision making zMultiple inheritance zIndividual agents’ views

23 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation23 Future Work zA (LUPS-like) language for building MDLPs yallowing updatable DAGs zSocieties of MDLPs yObservation points (public and private) yInter-MDLP updates and communication zHypothetical reasoning over MDLPs zRemove the acyclicity condition (??) zApplications and relationships

24 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation24 Company Hierarchy Example buy(X)type(X,T), needed(T), not satByOther(T,X). not buy(X)type(X,T), needed(T), satByOther(T,X). satByOther(T,X)type(Y,T), buy(Y), X  Y. Situation type(a,t). type(b,t). needed(t). cheap(a). reliable(b). Board of Directors (BD) not buy(X)type(X,T), type(Y,T), X  Y, cheap(Y), not cheap(X). President (P) Quality Management Dept. (QMD) not buy(X)  not reliable(X). buy(X)  type(X,T),needed(T), cheap(X). Financial Dept. (FD)    

25 19/Sep/2001LPNMR'01 - Multi-dimensional Dynamic Knowledge Representation25 Social Representation

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