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Freshwater Fish of the Northern U.S. & Canada Joel Berry Topic # 1164 E.

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1 Freshwater Fish of the Northern U.S. & Canada Joel Berry Topic # 1164 E

2 Freshwater Fish of the Northern U.S. & Canada

3 Key Focus Points Correctly identify 7 species of fish Know 2-3 distinctive traits of each fish Correctly label the anatomy of a fish

4 What are some examples of common freshwater fish?

5 CATFISH Binomial Name: Ictalurus punctatus Native Range: From Canada to Mexico Habitat: Catfish prefer _____________.

6 CATFISH Food Choice: Catfish are considered scavengers that eat mostly animal matter. Catfish are identifiable by their; barbels that are often called “_______”, thick skin instead of scales, and bony ______ found near each gill plate and one located on the back.

7 LARGEMOUTH BASS Binomial Name: Micropterus salmoides Native Range: Eastern United States and Canada Habitat: __________ and ponds with plenty of aquatic plant life

8 LARGEMOUTH BASS Food Choice: Bass prey mainly on aquatic animal such as minnows. Largemouth Bass are identifiable by the large ________________ down its side and for the jaw that extends beyond the eye.

9 SMALLMOUTH BASS Binomial Name: Micropterus dolomieu Native Range: Southern Canada to the Central United States Habitat: clean flowing streams and shallow lakes

10 SMALLMOUTH BASS Food Choice: Like its close relative the largemouth, the smallmouth feeds on small fish. Smallmouth can be identified by their ____________ and yellowish green color sides

11 WALLEYE Binomial Name: Stizostedion vitreum Native Range: Canada and the Central U.S. Habitat: rivers, lakes, and pools that are clear and have brushy banks

12 WALLEYE Food Choice: most often includes minnows and small perch Walleye can be distinguished by their amazing night vision. The _____________ is a light gathering tissue that allows walleye to hunt their prey at night.

13 PERCH Binomial Name: Perca flavescens Native Range: Canada to Northeastern U.S. Habitat: ponds, lakes, rivers, and deep pools

14 PERCH Food Choice: Perch feed mostly on aquatic insects and small minnows. Perch are fairly smaller in size averaging only______________ _________________.

15 PIKE Binomial Name: Esox lucius Native Range: most of the continental U.S., Canada, and into Alaska Habitat: marshes, ponds, rivers, and lakes, that have heavy vegetation

16 PIKE Food Choice: Pike prey mainly on other fish including other pike. Pike can be identified by their sleek body that is built for speed and _________________ ________________.

17 BLUEGILL Binomial Name: Lepomis macrochirus Native Range: Canada to Mexico Habitat: ponds, swamps, lakes, and pools with heavy vegetation

18 BLUEGILL Food Choice: Bluegills feed mainly on aquatic vegetation and fry Bluegills have an elaborate ________ _______ and are often referred to as “panfish”.

19 Conclusion While these fish coexist in the same habitats they demonstrate amazing diversity within themselves. Continue on from this lecture by further investigation of distinguishing traits. *Hint* - practice labeling the anatomy of the fish

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