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Fisheries & Marine Environment

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1 Fisheries & Marine Environment
Projects and technical assistance in the fisheries sector and marine environment in the South West Indian Ocean Region Xavier Vincent, Sr. Fisheries Specialist

2 Past projects and technical assistance
Fisheries & Marine Environment Past projects and technical assistance 2008 – 2013 ; US$ 12 million GEF – (WIOLaB & ASCLME sister project) Objective: To assess the current status of offshore fisheries within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of coastal states in the SWIO (generate scientific knowledge and develop legal and institutional capacity). First regional project : South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) Seychelles ( ) – inclusion of fisheries-related triggers related to transparency Comoros ( ) – inclusion of fisheries-related triggers related to transparency Mozambique ( ) – finally not included for technical reasons Seychelles Benchmark Tuna Processing (2008) Seychelles Tuna Industry Management, economic modelling ( ), US$110,000 Madagascar Fisheries Policy Note (2010), US$100,000 Comoros Policy Note (including fisheries) ( ), US$65,000 Mozambique Fisheries Policy Note, including economic modelling (2015), US$193,000 Analytic and Advisory Activities (AAA) Development Policy Operations (DPO) i.e., budget support fostering reforms

3 Current projects Fisheries & Marine Environment
Diversification of the fisheries portfolio Implementation of a regional programmatic approach South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth series of projects (SWIOFish Program) The challenges related to the development of the fisheries sector and protection of the marine environment in the southwest of the Indian Ocean are mainly regional: shared resources and ecosystems, common issues of poverty reduction and exploitation sustainability and transboundary value chains viability. A regional dialogue has been initiated in recent years, particularly in the context of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, to improve coordination between sectoral policies and investments, share experiences and information, improve the management of fisheries and stocks, to strengthen the weight of countries in the region in international fora and to optimize economies of scale. In this context, the SWIOFC member countries have requested the support of the World Bank to support this regional approach and, for some of them, the development of their fisheries sector. In response, the World Bank developed the shared fisheries governance and Growth Program southwest of the Indian Ocean (SWIOFish - South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Program). Les défis liés au développement du secteur halieutique et à la protection de l’environnement marin dans le sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien sont principalement régionaux : ressources et écosystèmes partagés, enjeux communs de réduction de la pauvreté et de durabilité de l’exploitation des ressources vivantes et des filières transfrontalières. Un dialogue régional a donc été amorcé depuis quelques années, notamment dans le cadre de la Commission des pêches du sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien (CPSOOI), afin d’améliorer la coordination entre politiques et investissements sectoriels, de partager les expériences et l’information, d’améliorer la gestion des pêcheries et des stocks, de renforcer le poids des pays de la région dans les forums internationaux et d’optimiser les économies d’échelle. Dans ce cadre, les pays membres de la CPSOOI ont requis le soutien de la Banque mondiale pour appuyer cette approche régionale et, pour certains d’entre eux, le développement de leur secteur halieutique. En réponse, la Banque mondiale a développé le Programme de gouvernance des pêches et de croissance partagée du sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien (SWIOFish – South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Program).

4 Fisheries & Marine Environment
South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Program (SWIOFish) Program Development Objective: to increase the economic, social and environmental benefits to SWIO countries from sustainable marine fisheries. Results Indicators would be as follows: (i) Reduce the degradation of the status of fish stocks; (ii) Increase in the fisheries-related GDP in participating countries; and (iii) Increase in fisheries-related local value-added benefitting to the households. First project’s (SWIOFish1) PDO: to improve the management effectiveness of selected priority fisheries at regional, national and community level.

5 Current WB SWIO Fisheries portfolio
SWIOFish3 Seychelles – Ongoing discussions Collaboration on Program Performance Based Budgeting (PPBB) RAS Current WB SWIO Fisheries portfolio GPO Development Grant Facility –regional/IOC with SWIOFC & IOTC US$1.1M DGF (on-going ) SWIOFish1 – Mozambique, Comoros, Tanzania, region/IOC with SWIOFC, US$48.7M IDA credits, US$28.3M IDA grants, US$15.5M GEF (on-going ) 2 regional studies: An applicable Framework to Implement Transparency measures & Sustainable and inclusive Indian Ocean tuna industry - PROFISH funding (planned) Kenya Coastal Development Project – US$35M (on-going ) Study: Somalia, Fisheries & Coastal Livelihoods ( ) Community Based Coastal Resources Management and Sustainable Livelihoods Project (PPACG) – US$1.9M (closed April 2015) Artisanal Fisheries and Climate Change Project (FishCC) – US$3M+ NDF (on-going ) Aquaculture and Climate Change Project (AquaCC) – US$5M+ NDF (planned ) Studies: Mozambique fisheries policy note & economic model (completed 2015) Coastal Resources Co-management for Sustainable Livelihood Project – US$2.7M (on-going ) Développer les aspects institutionnels IOC= Indian Ocean Commission ; SWIOFC= South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission; IOTC = Indian Ocean Tuna Commission SWIOFish2 Madagascar – US$65M IDA + $20M GEF+ US$5M IOC (planned ) 2 studies: Trade of Fisheries Products (DTIS) + Agro-business (ongoing) Study: Mauritius, Building an Ocean Economy (on-going )

6 Fisheries & Marine Environment
Main current activities related to conservation, with marine aspects: Madagascar Environment Program III: PDO : Enhance the protection and sustainable management of targeted protected areas Components: (i) Conservation support; (ii) Community development and safeguards; (iii) Sustainable financing; (iv) Precious woods Financing: $ 42M IDA ; $10M GEF Mozambique MozBio: PDO: Increase the effective management of the CAs and enhance the living conditions of com munities in and around the Conservation Areas Components: (i) Institutional Strengthening for Conservation Areas Management; (ii) Promotio n of Tourism in CAs; (iii) Improving CAs Management; (iv) Piloting Support to Sustainable Com munity Livelihoods Financing: $46M IDA/GEF And many others with indirect or direct impacts on marine conservation

7 Fisheries & Marine Environment
Example: Study on investment priorities for resilient livelihoods & ecosystems in coastal zones of Tanzania, 2015 Identified investment priorities: 7 systemic 52 thematic/ location specific Including: Sewage & solid waste management (24) Coastal river management (11) Fisheries (8) Freshwater access (4) Shoreline management (2) Spatial planning (2) Species, habitat & heritage conservation (3) Education & awareness (3)

8 The way forward (?) Fisheries & Marine Environment
Promoting integration of conservation and sustainable uses Improve linkages with other sectors’ investments to mainstream marine environment protection Implementation of a programmatic approach South West Indian Ocean Blue Economies series of projects (SWIOBlue)?

9 Fisheries & Marine Environment
The World Bank can provide grants, loans, credits and technical assistance on a wide range of subjects: Agriculture, Education, Energy and Extractives, Environment and Natural Resources, Finance and Markets, Governance, Health, Nutrition, …. The World Bank supports projects and technical studies, in partnership with the Government. Projects are entirely designed with the government, and implemented by a local unit. They should serve implementation of national and regional strategies First step: expression of interest by the government.

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