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Research in 2006 indicates: 1.Doubled melting rate of Greenland ice sheet, 2.Net melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, 3.Global rise approaching 3.0 mm/yr,

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Presentation on theme: "Research in 2006 indicates: 1.Doubled melting rate of Greenland ice sheet, 2.Net melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, 3.Global rise approaching 3.0 mm/yr,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research in 2006 indicates: 1.Doubled melting rate of Greenland ice sheet, 2.Net melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, 3.Global rise approaching 3.0 mm/yr, twice the rate last century, 4.Continued heating of atmosphere – heating of water column, 1 m rise is now expected during this century. 5.3 0 C temperature rise suggests 3-6 m sea-level rise in a century. 1958 Territorial Law included “…[HIG shall conduct] application of research results relevant to Territorial problems.” To be relevant to the State, HIGP should provide the geophysical/remote sensing leadership to help the State of Hawaii survive the impending crisis due to climate change Mitigation and Adaptation of Hawaii’s Society to Climate Change

2 Absolute Sea Level Rise - Kahului





7 Ben Brooks Geodesy and Measuring Topographic Change Tripod-Lidar for high-resolution topography Radar interferometry - deformation

8 Loss of coral reefs will result in: Decrease in fish supply Loss of cultural fishing traditions Loss of tourism due to reduction in marine attractions Greater probability of storm damage along coastline Effects of Ocean Acidification

9 Assessment of Coral Reef Health CRESPO--Coral Reef Spectrophotometric Observatory Current status is a collaboration between HIGP, HSFL, HIMB and NASA Ames Research Center Fly a hyperspectral sensor on HSFL launch #2 Funding targets Castle Foundation (March 1) Google (pursuant to Castle outcome) NASA SALMON Program (Standalone Missions of Opportunity) (July 1) Paul Lucey

10 REMUS AUV sidescan map of Port Allen, S. Kauai Roy Wilkens

11 Change in rainfall patterns will result in: Greater uncertainty in drinking water supply Agriculture put at greater risk Higher incidence of fires More flash flooding, and resultant rock falls Projected changes in annual rainfall in 2050

12 Relative distribution of estimated ground-water recharge during 2000 – 2004. Red represents lowest recharge, and violet represents the highest recharge Don Thomas Geophysics and Geohydrology Lloyd French

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