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NansenCloud – framework for synergistic remote sensing in the Nansen Group Anton Korosov, Morten W. Hansen Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center.

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Presentation on theme: "NansenCloud – framework for synergistic remote sensing in the Nansen Group Anton Korosov, Morten W. Hansen Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 NansenCloud – framework for synergistic remote sensing in the Nansen Group Anton Korosov, Morten W. Hansen Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

2 Challenges with remote sensing data usage 1. «Complex data» challenge: Complicate to open and process a dataset 2. «Big data» challenge: Expensive to download, store and process many dataset 3. «Heterogeneous data»: Difficult to find a relevant dataset Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

3 Challenges with remote sensing data usage 1. «Complex data» challenge: Complicate to open and process a dataset 2. «Big data» challenge: Expensive to download, store and process many dataset 3. «Heterogeneous data»: Difficult to find a relevant dataset × 5 Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

4 Challenge #1 How to open and process a dataset ? Scientist friendly Python toolbox for processing 2D satellite earth observation data. The main goal is to facilitate: easy development and testing of scientific algorithms, easy analysis of geospatial data, and efficient operational processing. Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

5 Nansat structure Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

6 Example of Nansat application Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

7 Details of Nansat application Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014 1. Open MODIS dataset 2. Process MODIS data with a SSS algorithm 3. Export SSS data as netCDF file 4. Open netCDF local file with SSS 5. Access online surface currents thought OpenDAP 6. Collocate SSS and U/V 7. Generate a nice-looking map: Raster and vector layers Colorbar Masks Continents Longitude/latitude notation

8 Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK Original MODIS SSS and total surface current

9 Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK

10 Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current

11 Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current

12 Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current

13 Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current

14 Ocean Salinity Science 2014, 26–28, November 2014, Exeter, UK Morphed MODIS SSS and total surface current

15 And here comes animation... Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

16 Where Nansat is used Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014 NERSC, Bergen, Norway  NORMAP  Aquamar  MAIRES  MyOcean  GLOBCURRENT  COCONET  OC CCI (SI CCI)  OVL NIERSC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia  MONARCH-A  MTRI  NtsOMZ  EURUCAS  SWARP NERSCI, Kochin, India  INDOMARECLIM Nansen-Tutu, Johannesburg, SAR METNO, Bergen and Oslo, Norway  OpenWind ODL, Brest, France  OVL

17 Challenge #2. Big data Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

18 Challenge #2. Big data Solution: Store and process data in one place Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

19 Challenge #3: Heterogeneous data Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

20 Challenge #3: User requires access Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

21 Challenge #3: Web site requires access Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

22 Challenge #3: Processing chain requires access Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

23 Challenge #3. Solution: Unified interface Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

24 Challenge #3: Interaction between centers Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014









33 Thank you! Scientific Council Meeting at the Nansen Center, 28 Nov 2014

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