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The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management Fall 2003 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Content and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management Fall 2003 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Content and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management Fall 2003 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Content and Management

2 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Data vs. Information Data is: Raw (unprocessed) Discrete (small chunks) Non discursive Out of context Data TypeMeaning BitEither 0 or 1 (minimum 1 byte) CharOne character IntA whole number FloatA decimal number TextA string of letters, numbers,a nd punctuation

3 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Data vs. Information Information is: Processed Continuous Discursive Context laden

4 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair What is content? Information put to use Information plus metadata Information for a purpose Something contained

5 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Information Put to Use Information corralled and marshaled for a reason Information gathered up and made to do work Information chopped into usable chunks with the less useful parts discarded

6 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Information Plus Metadata Metadata boils down the meaning and context of information into a form the computer can handle Metadata contains the information and makes it useful Database and XML technologies manage metadata

7 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair Content and Purpose To make info useful you must organize it There are an infinite number of ways to organize The one you choose depends on your purpose –What types of audiences? –What types of information? –What sorts of staff? –What aspects of each piece of information To each audience? From each staff person?

8 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair What Content is made of FormatStructure What it looks like How it lays out What each part “is” How it relates to the other parts

9 The Information School at the University of Washington Management

10 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair The essence of management is control Control –In the sense of predictability and standardization. –Not in the sense of arbitrary power Control of –The process –The significant players –The infrastructure

11 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair The process of CM

12 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair The players of CM

13 The Information School at the University of Washington LIS 549 U/TU: Intro to Content Management * Fall 2004 * Bob Boiko * MSIM Associate Chair The infrastructure of CM

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