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1 VariableExtractor VS BTagAnalyzer Set up by using BTagAnalyzer 'lite' version which including the same IVF as VariableExtractor with CMSSW_5_3_20

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Presentation on theme: "1 VariableExtractor VS BTagAnalyzer Set up by using BTagAnalyzer 'lite' version which including the same IVF as VariableExtractor with CMSSW_5_3_20"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 VariableExtractor VS BTagAnalyzer Set up by using BTagAnalyzer 'lite' version which including the same IVF as VariableExtractor with CMSSW_5_3_20 Adding selections to distinguish charm jets from b jets - process.inclusiveVertexFinder.vertexMinDLen2DSig = cms.double(1.25) #2.5 sigma for b tagger. However, lifetime D mesons on average about half of lifetime of B meson -> half of significance - process.inclusiveVertexFinder.vertexMinDLenSig = cms.double(0.25) #0.5 sigma for b tagger. However, lifetime D mesons on average about half of lifetime of B meson -> half of significance - process.inclusiveSecondaryVertexFinderTagInfosAODPFlow.vertexCuts.distSig2dMin = 1.5 #default value 2.0 to release cuts on flight dist. However, lifetime D mesons on average about half of lifetime of B meson -> half of distance Adding variables to BTagAnalyzer to match the VariableExtractor including ATLAS variables Dataset: /TTJets_MassiveBinDECAY_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph-tauola/ Summer12_DR53X-PU_S10_START53_V7A-v1/AODSIM Running on the same root file 0244AEA1-7CE1-E111-956B-0025901D4C3C.root for the exact same 100 events (event numbers checked)

2 2 VariableExtractor VS BTagAnalyzer

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6 6 Remark from First Comparisons ● The number of jet are BTag = 390 and Var = 470 from the same 100 events ● Since there are different JEC used (chs JEC for Btag and normal JEC for Var), I matched the eta for jets. It turns out that there are only 11 jets that have matched eta. ● Var gain more g-jets and b-jets than BTag (page 2). Due to PU??? ● Var has more jets thus it shows more entries over bins except jetNtracks (page 3) and chargedHaronMutiplicity (page 4) that BTag has more entries at the low entries.

7 7 PFchs and Removing Isolation Leptons ● Suspecting that PF2PAT have something to do with lesser number of jets in BTag. ● Turn off PFchs and Removing Isolation leptons getattr(process,"pfNoPileUp"+postfix).enable = False getattr(process,"pfNoMuon"+postfix).enable = False getattr(process,"pfNoElectron"+postfix).enable = False ● Suspecting that PF2PAT have something to do with lesser number of jets in BTag.

8 8 Remark from NoPFchs and NoReIsoLep ● Not using PFchs BTag gain more jets to be 393 and eta matched to be 386 ● Not using PFchs and without removing Iso lep gain more jets to 405 and eta matched to be 394 ● Want to turn off PF2PAT but encounter many errors. ● PFchs and Removing the isolated leptons change the eta of jets.

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