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‘Self’ in Mentoring Mentoring CPD and Supervision.

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1 ‘Self’ in Mentoring Mentoring CPD and Supervision

2 Self and Reflection Reflection Boud, Cohen & Walker (1985) Reflection is an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate it. It is this working with experience that is important in learning. Reflection has four main purposes.

3 It helps learners to understand what they already know (An individual outcome) It identifies what they need to know in order to advance understanding o the subject (A contextual outcome) It makes sense of new information and feedback in the context of personal experience (A relational outcome) It guides choice for further learning (A developmental outcome) Therefore, reflection is a tool to learn about the self

4 Self What is self? –Freud conceptualised self as the conscious and the unconscious –Jung, adds a third dimension and includes the collective unconscious –Assogiliss adds a fourth dimension and incorporates ‘the spiritual’ Self in mentoring –Understanding ‘you’; what makes you tick; what makes you unique

5 Exercise One About You - 20 Mins –Chronologically list major events or experiences from your life, that you feel, have made you who you are today. Think about how each has developed you. Select one of these events that has lead to self discovery. –Why is it important to your self discovery? –What has it taught you about yourself?

6 Exercise Two 20 Mins – Your Culture –List 5 proverbs, in order of importance, that you have heard repeatedly in your family, extended community or society. Think about the context in which each are used –What does this tell you about your culture? –How has it influenced you?

7 Exercise Three 40 mins – You now and the future you –Write your obituary how it would be today –Write your obituary how you would like it to be –What are the differences? –What changes must occur in your life for your obituary to be how you would like it to be? –How are you going to make these changes? –What aims/goals do you need to set yourself?

8 Exercise Four 30 mins – Group Discussion –Where is the place of self in mentoring? –Consider who you are and how that influences the relationship –Think about your experiences and how that influences the relationship –Discuss how your cultural background and how this impacts on mentoring. –What does this mean about where you would place ‘self’ when mentoring another?

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