4th Profile Slot AFROSAI. Summary Few words on AFROSAI Some Success Stories:  Learning by doing through cooperative Audits  CREFIAF Gender Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "4th Profile Slot AFROSAI. Summary Few words on AFROSAI Some Success Stories:  Learning by doing through cooperative Audits  CREFIAF Gender Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Profile Slot AFROSAI

2 Summary Few words on AFROSAI Some Success Stories:  Learning by doing through cooperative Audits  CREFIAF Gender Strategy  AFROSAI E Achievements Next challenges:  Inter-regional cooperation  Cooperation with African Reginal Organisation

3 Few words on AFROSAI AFROSAI is the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions founded in November 1976 in yaoundé following the recommendations of INTOSAI Congress, held in Madrid in 1974 53 SAIs members, coming from different systems : – Courts of Accounts / Courts of Audit – Auditors ’ General Office – State Inspections /Comptrollers

4 Few words on AFROSAI promote and develop the exchange of information and experiences among SAIs of African States in the area of public finance auditing 03 Linguistic Sub- Groups : CREFIAF: 2 3 SAI members speaking mainly French AFROSAI -E: 2 5 SAI members, speaking mainly English AFROSAI - A : 7 SAI members, speaking Arabic


6 1st Success Story: Learning by doing through Cooperative Audit Case of the Lake Chad Joint Audit

7 Lake Chad joint Audit  Use of ISSAI standards and CBC Guidelines  Training acitivities  Mentoring Coming from experienced SAIs  Use of Scientific and External Experts  Communication Strategy for the reports Reporting Examin ation MOU Planning

8  the added value of Mentoring and distance coaching provided by SAIs of Canada, Tanzania, Kenya, Morroco, Belgium with the support of GIZ  SAIs have developed tricks and skills to sell the reports to key external stakeholders (Parliament, government, regional organization and especially the Citizen)  AFROSAI was able to bring together Auditors coming from different systems, such as Court of Accounts (for Niger and Chad), Auditor General for Nigeria and hybrid System for Cameroon  New joint cooperative Audit are planned on topics like: poaching for AFROSAI-E, the River Nile, the Congo Basin Forest Key achievements of this pilot cooperative Audit


10 Objectives of Gender Strategy for SAIs  Promote women's access to the auditing profession and enhance the female human resources within SAIs  Create awareness on gender issues  Develop a methodology which integrates gender in the audit public finances

11 Technical Working Group on Gender and Development carried out a survey in the SAIs of CREFIAF in 2010 Analyses of the results from this survey which revealed huge disparities between men and women Analyses of data from stakeholders on determinant s of disparities between men and women Design Process of the Gender Strategy

12 1. Promotion of women’s access to decision- making positions and audit professions and strengthening of women’s capacities in SAIs 2. Institutional ownership of the gender approach 3. Incorporation of gender as a subject and criteria of performance audit in public finance management Priority strategic thrusts

13 EXPECTED OUTCOMES  significant increase, within SAIs, of the number of women in Audit staff  gender mainstreaming in SAIs as criterion and subject for performance audit WAY FORWARD  Each SAI is going to carry out experimental activities to implement this strategy  There are consultations going on, on how to adapt this strategy to the whole of the AFROSAI community


15 15  One of the three AFROSAI subgroups  E → English-speaking Mission: AFROSAI-E is committed to cooperate with and support its member SAIs to successfully fulfil their mandates by helping them to reach the highest possible level of achievement of the objectives outlined in the region’s institutional capacity building framework. Who we are

16 AFROSAI-E member countries Angola Botswana Ethiopia Eritrea The Gambia Ghana Lesotho Kenya Liberia Malawi Mauritius Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa South Sudan Mozambique Sudan Tanzania Swaziland Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

17 AFROSAI-E institutional partners and donors

18 18 Governance structure (Statutes) Institutional & other partners / Donors Governing Board 25 Members Chief Executive Officer Executive Officer Executive Secretariat Subcommittees Human Resources Finance Capacity building Audit Planning Committe e Subject Matter Experts Technical Committee

19 Secretariat staff structure Approved structure: 17 employees 11 Technical (66%), 6 admin (33%) 7 (41%) female, 10 (59%) male CEO Executive Officer Technical Development Regularity Audit (3) IT Performance Audit (2) Capacity Building & Inst. Strengthening Environmental Audit Corporate Support Communication Events (2) Finance (3) Secretary

20 20 Our capacity building approach ICBF Quality reviews Self assessments Workshops Operations Requests Gap analysisNeeds of SAIs Corporate Plan - Strategic imperative - Operational interventions Annual Report Activity Report Annual Work Plan Value and Benefit

21 21 INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING FRAMEWORK How do we operate? Organisation and management Human resources Audit standards and methodology Communication and stakeholder management Independence and legal framework Strategic imperatives Operational interventions (core business)

22 22  Products  Guidelines  Training courses (material)  Manuals e.g. RAM & PAM  Handbook  Services  Research and development  Training events  Management development program  Bilateral support programs Our Products and Services

23 What we achieved in 2013 Strategic Imperatives Planned activities Achieved 1: Independence32 2: Use of IT98 3: HR and MDP1310 4: Quality Assurance43 5: Performance Auditing1614 6: Comm & Stakeholder Man87 Operational Interventions1713 Total7057 81%

24 Regional Assessment based on ICBF Domains

25 25  Annual Integrated Report  Annual activity report www.afrosai-e.org.za Measuring Performance

26 26  Continuation of products and services  Professionalisation  Leadership development program for top executives  Collaborative audits  Communication  Information technology What do we plan for the future?


28 Inter regional and cross regional cooperation AFROSAI took two major steps in inter- regional cooperation as concerns capacity building of its Member SAIs. In this regard, two MOUs have been signed

29 Areas of cooperation  Institutionnal Capacity  Distance Learning  Cooperatives and Coordinated Audits  Performance and Environmental Auditing  Knowledge Management and Knowledge sharing  Peer reviewsand SAI PMF  C ommunication with external Stakelholders  Innovation

30 Cooperation with African Regional Organisation the value and impact of African SAIs are still not enough known and visible to African political organizations

31 Inspired by the approach adopted by INTOSAI with UN, AFROSAI planned to  promote the independence of SAIs  advocate for strengthening the mandate of SAIs  promo te the value and benefits of SAIs in the context of emerging economies in Africa and to ensure sustainable development Cooperation with African Regional Organisation

32 Gracias Merci Thank you شكرا لك Obrigado Asanté Sana www.afrosai.com www.crefiaf.org afrosai-e.org.za

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