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Looking Inside Cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking Inside Cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking Inside Cells

2 Organelles Organelles are the structures/parts of a cell and have a
specific job

3 Cell Wall The rigid outer layer of nonliving material that surrounds plant cells is the cell wall. Only found in plant cells. Supports & protects

4 Cell Membrane Found in plant cells & animal cells Very thin
Job – to control what comes in and what goes out.

5 Cell Membrane Plant cell Animal cell

6 Cytoplasm A clear jelly like substance that keeps all of the organelles from bumping into one another… think of clear jello

7 The organelles are inside the cytoplasm.

8 Now, lets take a look at the organelles that are found inside cells.
You have to have a microscope because they are so small.

9 Organelle: Nucleus Nucleus – the control center.
The nucleus directs all activity in the cell. It also controls the growth and reproduction of the cell. It is round.

10 Nucleus

11 Organelle: Mitochondria
The mitochondria makes the energy for the cell (like a power plant) … so it can dance  It is oblong shaped.

12 Mitochondria

13 Organelle: Ribosomes Ribosomes act like little factories to produce protein. They pass protein into the endoplasmic reticulum. Some are found floating in cytoplasm.

14 Ribosomes

15 Organelle: Endoplasmic Reticulum
The Endoplasmic Reticulum are maze passageways in the cytoplasm. They carry proteins from one part of the cell to another. This is very important for the cell to get its protein that it needs. This is like a conveyor belt.

16 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Found close to nucleus It carries proteins( which are made by the ribosomes)…the dots

17 Organelle: Golgi Bodies
Golgi bodies act like a post office. They package stuff up and send it to other parts of the cell.

18 Golgi Bodies

19 Organelle: Vacuoles Vaculoes are large storage buildings.
Because they help store food, the plant’s vacuole is much larger than the animal’s vacuole.

20 Vacuole

21 Organelle: Lysosomes They are the clean-up crew.
They have chemicals in them that digest the wastes and other bad organelles. When the cell dies the lysosmes work swiftly with their chemicals and digest the dead cell. Without lysosomes living organisms would become filled with dead cells.

22 Lysosomes

23 Organelle: Chloroplast
Chloroplast is only found in plants. It contains a green pigment called chlorophyll. They are necessary for plants to make their own food. They capture the sunlight energy.

24 Chloroplast


26 Check out these music videos

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