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Log, ln and Mathematical Operations

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Presentation on theme: "Log, ln and Mathematical Operations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Log, ln and Mathematical Operations

2 Log Known as common log or base-10 log
the power to which 10 is raised to equal a certain number Ex. 103 = 1000; therefore log 1000 = 3 Ex. Log = 1 x 10-3 = -3 Ex. Log 1 = 0

3 Significant Figures The number of digits after the decimal point equals the number of significant figures in the original number. Ex. Log 23.5 = 1.371 3 sig. fig. = 3 sig. fig. After the decimal pt. Ex. Log = (4 SF) (5 SF)

4 Antilogarithms Is the reverse of taking a logarithm
For example, log 23.5 = 1.371 Therefore: antilog = 23.5 Is the process of raising 10 to a particular number to get that number (in this case, 23.5)

5 Use the following Calculator Keys:
10x or SHIFT log or INV log

6 Sample Exercises [1.] Solve for x: a. Log 1,000,000 = x
b. Log = x c. Log = x [2.] Solve for x: a. log x = 1.31 b = x c = x

7 Natural log or Base e logarithm, ln
the power to which e is raised to equal a certain number e has a value Example: e2.303 = or (2.303) = 10 Therefore: ln 10 = 2.303

8 Natural antilog Is the reverse of ln
Use the following Calculator Keys: ex or INV ln

9 Sample Exercises [1.] Solve for x: a. ln 5.7 = x b. ln 321.8 = x
c. ln 7.9 = x [2.] Solve for x: a. ln x = 6.78 b. e = x c. ex = 12.1

10 Correlation between log and ln
ln x = log x ln (10) = log (10) = (1) ln and log are correlated by the factor 2.303

11 Mathematical Operations
Log xy = log x + log y Log x/y = log x - log y log an = n log a log a 1/n = 1/n log a

12 Exercise Problems Solve the following: log 4 = log 0.000001 = ln 86
antilog of 77 natural antilog of 123 ln(600/740) log (25 x 200)

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