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Skills and Techniques Lesson Two.

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1 Skills and Techniques Lesson Two

2 Today we will… Starter task to recap Stages of Skill Learning
Consider the importance of a model performer when developing performance. Demonstrate understanding of your performance by explaining why overhead clear is a weakness Issue homework for Thursday 4th December

3 Starter Task Questions – answer in jotter
How many stages of skill learning are there? Name the stages of skill learning? Explain what you understand about the cognitive stage. You should be able to make and discuss 4 points.

4 There are three important stages in learning and developing skills
STAGES OF LEARNING Cognitive Associative Autonomous

5 Identify subroutines Make an initial attempt at skill
Cognitive Stage Identify subroutines Make an initial attempt at skill

6 Cognitive Stage During the cognitive stage, you find out what the skill involves – work out the subroutines. Preparation Action Recovery Even although some of the subroutines involved in the skill maybe new, it does not mean that you are at the beginner level in badminton. Beginner Level Badminton Player After establishing the different subroutines you make your first attempts at learning the skill Errors are likely to be common during the planning stage. As a result of this you will need lots of advice and encouragement

7 SQA Higher Question 5(a)
Choose an activity and a skill or technique. 5(a) Explain the benefits of considering a model/skilled performance when learning or developing this skill or technique. (4)

8 Benefits of model performer? Can you think of 4 reasons
Why ? Can you think of 4 reasons

9 Benefits of model performer
Increase knowledge and understanding of skill / technique and subroutines Helping to learn a complex skill / skill have little knowledge of Increasing your motivation – inspiration Help to analyse and better understand your own performance

10 Model performers - Improving knowledge and performance As you attempt to learn a new activity or improve your performance, model performers can help you improve your knowledge and understanding of what it means to perform effectively. The idea is that, by seeing someone else perform to a high standard, you will get a clear picture of what it is you are striving to do. It may be that a fellow pupil is able to play to a high standard providing you with ideas about how you can improve your performance. Able performers may need to watch a top level performer to get an idea of how to be a more effective player. Question Explain how you used a model performer to develop you knowledge of the OHC.

11 Discuss with your partner the below topic…
Model performers and the performance of difficult skills and techniques Consider how you could use a model performer to develop your understanding of a complex skill Think of a different activity where you have used a model performer to help you learn a new skill or develop your understanding of a skill

12 Model performers - Performance of complex skills
In badminton, some skills and techniques are difficult to carry out effectively, for example, an overhead or backhand clear and clear. All three are complex skills which contain a number of subroutines which must be performed in a specific order. Watching a top level performer playing the shot, possibly from a slow-motion video, can assist you in learning how to perform the skill effectively. For example, watching a model performer helped me to understand what was meant by pronation and supination of the forearm.

13 Discuss with your face partner the below topic…
Model performers to motivate you to improve Consider what motivates you to participate in sport when you are young Think when in the year do people tend to play tennis and why.

14 Model performers – Increasing your motivation
Observing top level performers can make performance look exciting and motivate you to improve your own performance. When observing performers of a higher standard you can see a wide range of skills in action, motivating you to work towards developing your performance with the aim of performing at their level.

15 Task Sheet 5 (Model Performer Movement Analysis) page 16 in your data gathering booklet

16 Model performer – Analyse & understand your own performance
It is not always necessary to observe a model performance to improve your knowledge and understanding of what it means to perform a skill effectively. You can use a model performer movement analysis observation schedule which breaks a skill down, into its three phases of action (1. Preparation. 2. Action. 3. Recovery), and explains the subroutines that make up the skill. By breaking the skill down you are able to learn and understand each of the individual subroutines that make up the actual skill. You can then use the observation schedule to make comparisons between your performance and that of the model performer. Helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses, which helps you understand your performance.

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