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Outing Coordinators Guide Running successful golf outing.

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1 Outing Coordinators Guide Running successful golf outing

2 2 Host a Golf Outing at Purgatory Golf Club. Golf Outings are a proven source for fundraising. In addition to reaching the main objective of raising money, golf outings create camaraderie among participants, create newsworthy events and get noticed by the members of the community. Putting together a solid plan and being organized is crucial to hosting a great event. Let the staff at Purgatory Golf Club show you how we can make your event a success and why you should host your next golf outing at Purgatory. The staff at Purgatory will provide you with a detailed plan on how to run a successful golf outing including: Planning Checklist Tournament Budget Sample Letters to Players, How to request donations and secure sponsors Sample Flyers Sample Outing Formats Online registration of Golfers Proven fundraising techniques Golf Outings can raise $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 or even $100,000 or more for your charity

3 Dear Golf Outing Director, The Purgatory Outing Coordinators Guide is developed for both the first time outing coordinator, who knows very little (or less!) about the management of a golf tournament, as well as the seasoned veteran with years of tournaments under his or her belt. It is designed for fund-raising tournaments, and will help organize your budget planning and financial goals for the event. Purgatory Golf Club’s staff has excelled in outing services for many years, and we realize that many first-time tournament directors, and even seasoned vets, need access to good planning tools, budgets, templates, and proven revenue generating ideas focused on helping make your tournament more successful. This free guide is part of our commitment to help organizations large and small run successful and profitable golf events. It is our opinion that if our clients have great success we will also. We have designed these tools to be useful for even the most complicated and detail oriented tournaments. Many of these steps you may skip or even consider to be overboard, but we hope they stimulate your mind to make your event “The Best it Can Be.” We hope you find Purgatory’s Outing Coordinators Guide helpful in organizing and running your tournament. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to call us at 317.776.4653.

4 Table of Contents The Front NineThe Back Nine 1.Planning Checklist 2.Committee Request 3.Committee Acceptance 4.Popular Tournament Formats 5.Save The Date 6.Fundraising Guidelines 7.Outing Coordinators Budget 8.Sponsorship Benefits & Advertising Ideas 9.Sample Outing Flyer 10. Sample Press Release 11. Potential Sponsor Letter 12. Donation Form 13. Potential Speaker Request 14.Donation Confirmation 15.Registration Confirmation 16.Sample Program 17.Awards Presentation 18.Making the Outing Memorable

5 Planning Checklist The excel spreadsheet checklist enables timely accounting of task and responsibilities.

6 Committee Request The Committee Request letter is helpful in formulating a compelling correspondence for volunteer services.

7 Committee Acceptance The Committee Acceptance letter is helpful in formulating an acceptance for volunteer services.

8 8 Popular Tournament Formats Scramble – Captain’s Choice of best shot Variation – Tee Shots Required Variation – Hitters Out Scramble Shamble – all players play their own ball after choosing the best tee shot Variation – Best Ball of foursome Variation – 2 Best Balls of the foursome Best Ball – best individual score of the group Variation – 2 Best Balls

9 Save The Date Notify past participants to save the date and mark their calendars

10 Fundraising Guidelines Tried and True Suggestions for Increasing your results from Fundraising If you don’t ask the answer is always no Don’t be daunted by the total If you don’t ask for sponsorship one will not be provided Make it easy for people or companies to sponsor Make arrangements to pick-up checks or gift certificates Enclose a self address stamped envelope when making a letter request Offer to accept a check or money during your meeting Let them know how successful the tournament was due to their contribution. You may also want to include a summary sheet indicating total dollars raised for the organization Make your self available and always return correspondence from the people you solicit Shout about it! Let the World know! The cardinal rule is to always follow-up Call Call again Stop by and see them Ask if they need more information Always thank your contributors

11 Coordinators Budget The Coordinator’s Budget is an extremely helpful tool in formulating a cost budget, revenue projections and overall financial objectives of the event

12 Title Sponsor – $5,000  Title Sponsorship recognition on the Front Cover of the outing program and in all promotional materials and press releases.  Two foursomes on the day of play  One premium promotional gift per attendee to be imprinted with Sponsor’s company name/logo and Tournament logo. Sponsor to provide Tournament with company logo.  2 Hole signs (one on the 1st hole, one on the 10th hole)  Banner at the Bag Drop  Logo on the Registration Banner  Recognition at the awards ceremony, with a opportunity to speak  Presentation of a promotional plaque at the awards ceremony Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities

13 Platinum Sponsor – $2,500  One foursomes on the day of play  2 Hole signs  Banner at the Awards Ceremony  Presentation of a promotional plaque at the awards ceremony  Ability to give a promotional products to each participants  1 full page ad in the outing program.

14 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities Gold Sponsor – $1,500  One foursomes on the day of play  2 Hole signs  Presentation of a promotional plaque at the awards ceremony  1 half page ad in the outing program Silver Sponsor – $1,000  One foursomes on the day of play  1 Hole sign  Presentation of a promotional plaque at the awards ceremony  1 quarter page ad in the outing program

15 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities Tee Sign Sponsor – $125  1 Hole sign Putting Contest Sponsor – $200  2 signs on the putting green Beverage Cart Sponsor – $500  1 sign on the Beverage Cart  1 player on the day of play Hole-in-One Sponsor – $400  Ability to show products on the game Hole  1 Hole Sign

16 Sample Outing Flyer A very informative and attractive outing flyer

17 Sample Press Release A very informative and descriptive outing press-release for the WLGO

18 Potential Sponsor Letter A templates for a sponsorship letter and a sponsorship form

19 Donation Form Make Donations easy by having several different ways to contribute

20 Speaker Request Speaker’s can personal touch the audience and show the true importance of the cause

21 Donation Confirmation This confirmation will document your supporter’s donations for tax records

22 Registration Confirmation This confirmation will document your supporter’s registration for the golf outing

23 Sample Program A very detailed outing program sample

24 Awards Presentation A very concise outing Awards Presentation Summary

25 Make The Outing Memorable Have Fun!!!

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