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Geochronology is the study of time in relation to earth’s existence  Relative Dating  Determines how old a rock is in relation to its surrounding  Numerical.

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Presentation on theme: "Geochronology is the study of time in relation to earth’s existence  Relative Dating  Determines how old a rock is in relation to its surrounding  Numerical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geochronology is the study of time in relation to earth’s existence  Relative Dating  Determines how old a rock is in relation to its surrounding  Numerical Dating  Determines actual age in years Chapter 8: Geological Times

2 Geologic Time - Perspective Differing Views of the Earth’s Age James Ussher (1664): 5,668 years old Biblical Perspective Modern Scientific View

3 Relative Dating Relies on Key Principles such as Uniformitarianism - the present is key to the past Original horizontality  Sediments deposited in horizontal layers Superposition  Youngest rocks are on top (assuming no tectonic activity) Cross-cutting relationships  Cut layer is older than ‘cutting’ rock Faunal succession  Organisms succeed one another in recognizable reproducible pattern Unconformity  Represents a break (gap) in the rock record

4 Earth History

5 Sedimentary Structures

6 An organism buried in sediment

7 3 Types of unconformities

8 3 Types of unconformities-contd

9 3 Types of unconformities-contd.

10 Hypothetical view of early earth

11 Grand Canyon

12 Sedimentary Rock Sequence

13 Hypothetical Landscape

14 Relative Dating-contd. INDEX FOSSILS: Species that had wide geographical distribution, but lived for only a brief period of time Unconformmities: Boundary between 2 layers that are of different age Reasons: – Rock layers removed by erosion – No rock Layers deposited CORRELATION METHODS METHODS OF CORRELATION: Paleontological Similarities Mineralogical Similarities

15 Numerical Dating Method Isotope Dating relies on the rate of decay of radioactive isotopes within a rock Radioactive isotopes have nuclei that spontaneously decay emitting or capturing a variety of subatomic particles Decaying radioactive isotope- parent isotopes decay to form daughter isotopes Half-life- is the time it takes for half the atoms of parent isotope to decay Some radioactive isotopes with daughter products  U-238 => Pb-206; K-40 => Ar-40; C-14 => N-14

16 Unstable atomic nuclei decay

17 Beta Decay – unstable atomic nuclei

18 Electron Capture – unstable nuclei

19 Radioactive Decay

20 Bracketing Ages

21 Factors affecting Isotope Dating Results Isotope dating is more useful for igneous rocks  Clock is set when igneous rock crystallizes locking the radioactive isotopes within its crystal lattice Rock/Mineral must be a closed system  Atoms of parent and daughter are still present in rock/mineral being dated Condition of parent Material  Fracture, weathering and migrating ground water Age of Substance  Enough measurable daughter isotope, use appropriate radioactive isotope

22 Enough Number of Atoms?? Case Study: Half-life = 10 days Time (d)Number of atoms: 0102480 d4 1051290 d2 20256100 d1 301281000 atoms----- 1 atom 4064in 10 half-life 5032 6016 708

23 Loss of daughter isotopes

24 Loss of daughter isotopes-contd.



27 Carbon-14 Method

28 Other Numerical dating method Fission Track  High speed particles emitted during radiation may pass through crystal leaving ‘tears’ within the crystal- the older the rock, the more fission tracks Dendrochronology (Tree-Ring dating)  Annual growth rings Varve- deposited layers of lake-bottom  Paired layers of sediments Lichenometry  Lichens grow at a fairly constant rate Cosmogenic isotopes  Used in dating land features

29 Fission-Track Dating method

30 Correlation of tree ring section

31 Origin of Lake Varves

32 Origin of Lake varves-contd.

33 Age of Lichen

34 Cosmogenic Isotopes-surface exposure dating

35 Geology at a Glance

36 Geological Time Scale Contrasting several dating techniques chronicling Earth’s history to produce a geologic Time Scale Geologic Time Scale- divided into Eons, Eras, Periods, and Epoches Phanerozoic Eon (evidence of life began) divided into three eras  Paleozoic (ancient life) dominated by marine invertebrates  Mesozoic (middle life) dominated by reptiles  Cenozoic (recent life) dominated by mammals

37 Geological Time Scale

38 Sequence of Time scale Eons--- Eras---Periods---Epochs Life on earth ~4.6 byr old Lack of 4.6 byr old on earth – however, moon rocks and meteorite provide a handle on this

39 Extinction Graph


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