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ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Implementation of CERIF-based infrastructure for enabling CRIS adoption in the Greek academia Vasilis Bonis.

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Presentation on theme: "ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Implementation of CERIF-based infrastructure for enabling CRIS adoption in the Greek academia Vasilis Bonis."— Presentation transcript:

1 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Implementation of CERIF-based infrastructure for enabling CRIS adoption in the Greek academia Vasilis Bonis Nikos Pougounias, Dimitris Karaiskos National Documentation Centre / National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece 1

2 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Outline Current Research Infrastructure System in Greece Native CERIF and CERIF related systems CERIF Tools implemented by EKT Lessons learned Future Steps 2

3 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Greece - Research Community Demographics 22 Universities, 14 Technological Educational Institutes, 13 Research Centres in total 52.358 researchers, 29.054 Full-Time Equivalents (2013) Source: «Research and Development Expenditure and Personnel in Greece in 2013 - Main indicators, National Documentation Centre, 2015» ( en.pdf) en.pdf 3

4 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Greek CRIS infrastructure Each organisation operates its own institutional CRIS system o Policies, procedures and workflows at the institutional level All institutional CRIS systems are based on the same CRIS software platform CRIS software developed by EKT (Native CERIF database) A central aggregator will provide a unified point of access to the entire information CERIF XML/REST is used for interoperability 4

5 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Support to institutions CRIS software – including documentation for installation, configuration, usage Online helpdesk for support o Software distribution system o Including certification procedure, notifications for new releases, versioning Semantics – vocabularies Tools for data import to the CERIF database o CERIF XML o Excel / CSV and Dublin Core through an open source library (Biblio-transformation- engine, BTE) 5

6 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge The CRIS software platform – overview (1) Native CERIF database - support all CERIF entities Java, Spring, JPA, Elastic Search, Javascript/jQuery Based on the open source CERIF-JPA library – used for the CERIF reference implementation ( ) Search, faceted browsing User interface (web forms) for editing all entities and semantic layer Advanced support for data management / approval workflows 6

7 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge The CRIS software platform – overview (2) Sophisticated user roles / authorization o Role-based access control (RBAC) in CERIF tables o Roles aligned with institutions’ main needs Users stored in DB or logging in through LDAP. Single Sign-On Reporting Review institution’s hierarchical structure Highly configurable (e.g. fields order, facets, permissions, etc.) 7 Researcher Project Manager Indexer Content Manager Research Support Staff Research Administration Staff Authorized System Administrator

8 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Aggregator - Architecture 8 Aggregator Harvester OAI Server CRIS REST CRIS DB Augmented CRIS CERIF DB + aggregation related tables Generic functionality Relays messages System agnostic Accepts OAI-PMH data CERIF XML payload Per entity retrieval /{entity}?identifiersOnly=false&limit=X&page Size=Y Direct access Institution EKT

9 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Aggregator/Harvester 9

10 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Roadmap 1 st Phase – Early Adoption o Currently running until end of 2015 o To participate, 12 Universities, 3 TEIs and 1 Research Centre o Installations in 7 Universities, 1 TEIs and 1 Research Centre o Aggregator deployment and operation o CRIS current version 0.8.2 – next version to be released at the end of May 2015 2 nd Phase – Complete Adoption o All institutions will install and operate CRIS o Aggregator fully operational (aggregation and reporting) 10

11 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge EKT’s Native CERIF Systems (1) R&D Projects Registry (in progress) o Catalogs R&D related national and European projects and their associated organisations o Sources of data:  E-Corda (FP7 and Horizon2020)  Greek Monitoring Information System for National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007-2013)  RDI national organisations registry (supported by EKT)  Eurostat/UNESCO o More than 30.000 organisations o More than 10.000 NSRF projects and 20.000 FP7 projects 11

12 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge EKT’s Native CERIF Systems (2) R&D Data Management System (DMS) o Stores, interconnects and manages  Greek R&D Expenditure and Personnel data as collected via online data collection system (Eurostat - Commission Regulation 995/2012)  Organisations’ profiles stored in the RDI national registry  Indicators as produced from primitive data  External R&D data sources as managed by EKT (e.g. FP7 projects etc.) o Goals  Single management point  Preservation and archiving (time series)  Data validation & estimation workflow  Benchmarking using external sources  Real time automated generation of indicators  Data exports (SDMX, CSV, Excel, JSON, CERIF-XML)  Reporting 12

13 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge EKT’s CERIF related systems (1) Greek Researcher Directory – o Database of Greek Researchers - Researchers in Greek organisations o Access only to researchers – registration only by invitation o Pre-loaded information for permanent personnel of Greek public research performing organisations o Automatic loading of information from sources:  CrossRef, PubMed, Microsoft Academic Search, DBLP, Greek Books in Print, RepEc (economics), arXiv (Cornel University Library), Google Scholar (bibTex, ris, refman)  Link publications to researchers – automatic mechanisms o Automatic recognition of references from researcher CVs – Text analysis o Export profile in CERIF XML 13

14 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge EKT’s CERIF related systems (2) Greek Researcher Directory – o Researcher Profile (exported in CERIF XML)  Affiliations  Education  Research expertise – disciplines (Frascati) and keywords  Identifiers (ORCID, MAS ID, Scopus Author ID, ResearcherID, …)  Awards / Distinctions (Best paper awards, Journal Editorships, Scientific Society Fellowships, …)  Publications  Journals, Conference Proceedings including impact figures, Books and Monographs  Projects (in development) 14

15 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge The CRIS ecosystem 15

16 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge CERIF Tools Implemented (1) CERIF Model o All CERIF entities as POJOs o 100% compliant to the latest CERIF version CERIF Services o JPA data repositories for all entities o Common persistence and selection services CERIF XML o Full support of CERIF 1.6 XML Schema CERIF API o RESTful services based on current EuroCRIS draft recommendation o OAI-PMH – per entity retrieval 16

17 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge CERIF Tools Implemented (2) 17 Open source o Mature o 4 years of continuous development o Deployed on a plethora of production systems Ongoing Maintenance o Tools aligned to CERIF versions o New features and bug fixing

18 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Production Systems Using EKT’s CERIF Libraries DMS Metrics - Native CERIF DB + Custom tables EuroRIs-Net+ Observatory - Native CERIF DB, CERIF XML R&D Business Registry - Native CERIF DB, CERIF XML Scopus DB - Native CERIF DB PAERIP Inventory of Research Infrastructures - Native CERIF DB (older version) CRIS - Native CERIF DB, CERIF XML, CERIF API RICH - Native CERIF DB, CERIF XML OpenAire - CERIF XML, CERIF API (Custom OAI-PMH implementation) Greek Researcher Directory - CERIF XML 18

19 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Data Migration Tool Biblio-Transformation-Engine o Provided as Open Source o Included in the core distribution of DSpace o JAVA 19

20 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Using BTE for Data Migration 1. Identify CRIS related data 2. Identify per migration datasets 3. Map data to CERIF 1. Identify CERIF entities 2. Identify persistent identifiers 3. Identify relations 4. Identify semantics – Custom semantics may be necessary 4. Process, Clean, Merge source data 5. Implement migration (commonly OutputGenerator classes) 6. Run 7. Test 20

21 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Lessons Learned Central vs. decentralized CRIS – Keep data fresh Minimizing the need for data migration and manual data entry – Tackle cold start problem Horizontal need for persistent identifiers CERIF semantic entities: o Difficulties in understanding and using o Need for Greek translations User management – Integration of already existing user directories Security issues – Data filtering Policies and workflows Communicate the value of CRIS 21

22 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge Future Steps (2015 - 2016) CRIS Installations in more institutions Collect more data in Aggregator and produce statistics/metrics Implement visualizations for Aggregator statistics/metrics Ongoing Maintenance of CRIS software and all CERIF tools o Fully aligned to CERIF versions o New features and bug fixing Organize workshops and tutorials for institutions’ personnel Completion of CERIF XML export for Terms Thesaurus Completion of Projects Registry 22

23 ΕΚΤ Access to Knowledge 23 Thank you for your attention Q&A More info: o bonisv AT o o o o

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