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Level II Agricultural Business Operations. Nutrients In Nutrients Out.

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1 Level II Agricultural Business Operations

2 Nutrients In Nutrients Out

3  Nitrogen (N) – most important for plant growth  Phosphorus (P) – in the form of Phosphate (P 2 O 5 )  Potassium (K) – in the form of Potash (K 2 O)  Other nutrients are Sulphur (S), Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca)

4  Provides information about pH, P, K  Soil sample every 4-5 years  Soil sample after 3 months from application of slurry, manure, fertiliser, lime  Correct sampling technique required


6 Mineral soils pH 6.0 – 6.5 Peaty soils pH 5.6

7 Benefits of Optimum pH / Liming  Correct pH  Nutrients in soil more available  Nutrients in fertiliser more available  Needed for ryegrass/clover  Encourage earthworms  Improves soil structure  Less weeds

8 Soil pH Ground Limestone/ Magnesium Limestone Granulated Lime pH 5.7kg/acre required 1000400 Cost/acre£20 £45 + application pH 5.2kg/acre required 2000800 Cost/acre£40 £90 + application


10 IndexDescription 0Deficient 1OK for extensive 2Optimum for grazing or silage. 3High >4Excessive


12 IndexDescription 0Deficient 1Low 2-Optimum for grazing or silage. 2+High 3 & aboveExcessive

13 13  31% of samples below index 2 for P  44% of samples below index 2- for K  64% of samples below 6.0 for pH  Only 18% are optimum for P, K and pH

14 Getting the balance right! Nutrients In Nutrients Out

15 4.5 m³ (1000 gallons) of dairy cow slurry applied in the spring supplies:  5 kg (10 units) Nitrogen (N)  5.5 kg (11 units) Phosphate (P 2 O 5 )  14 kg (28 units) Potash (K 2 O)  Availability of Nitrogen decreases as season progresses

16 16 When – 1 st February – 15 th October in suitable weather & ground conditions Aim to apply slurry & manure in the same conditions and weather as when applying bagged fertiliser. Leave 3-4 days after applying slurry before applying bagged fertiliser – N loss minimised. Where – 10m from water course, 20m from lakes, 50m spring, well or borehole & 250m public water supply

17 17 Inverted splashplateTrailing shoe

18  Better N utilisation  Produces higher grass yields ◦ Trailing Shoe + 24% ◦ Band Spreading + 16%  Less grass contamination  Slurry spreading up to 4 weeks after cutting  Can spread within 3m of watercourse rather than 10m

19 Nutrients In Nutrients Out Getting The Balance Right

20 A 50 kg bag of 20:10:10 fertiliser contains:-  20 % Nitrogen (N) - 10 kg (20 units)  10% Phosphate (P 2 O 5 ) – 5 kg (10 units)  10% Potash (K 2 O) - 5 kg (10 units)

21 Examples:-  27-0-0 (CAN)  34-0-0 (Superstart)  46-0-0 (Urea)  24-6-12  27-4-4  20-10-10  25-0-13  0-46-0  0-0-60

22 22 Crop Nutrient Requirement Establish crop to be grown. Calculate nutrients required by: Referring to crop recommendations in RB209 Or Referring to DARD Crop Nutrient Recommendation Calculator at

23 Nutrients Required for 1 st Cut Silage P index 2 K index 2- 34m 3 /ha (3000 gallons/acre) 312kg/ha (2.5 bags 27:0:0/acre)

24 1. Assess nutrients available in the soil - soil analysis 2. Assess crop nutrient requirement 3. Assess nutrients supplied by slurry 4. Balance crop need with chemical fertiliser

25 EU Regulation Aims to improve water quality by making better use of farm nutrients

26  Livestock manure Nitrogen limits ◦ What land to include ◦ How to calculate the manure Nitrogen  Storage requirements  Closed periods and spreading  Nitrogen and Phosphate fertiliser  Record keeping

27  Annual stocking rate Jan-Dec  Farm limit of 170 kg N per hectare (ha) per year (Derogation to 250kg N per ha per year) How is it calculated? Total nitrogen from livestock excretions Agricultural area controlled

28 EnterpriseStock Numbers N Excretion per stock (kg) Total N (kg) Dairy Cows70916370 Cattle over 2 years454216 Calves 1-2 years2047940 Cattle 0-1 year2019380 Imported/exported livestock manure 00 Total7906 Average stock numbers based on 6 counts Example:- Agricultural land area = 48 ha

29 7906 kg N/year produced 48 hectares = 165 kg N/ha/year Livestock manure nitrogen loading calculator

30 Options:  Reduce stock numbers  Farm additional land  Export livestock manure  Apply for a derogation

31  Approval from EU to operate up to 250 kg N/ha/year (higher stocking rate)  Eligibility criteria for individual farms: ◦ 80% grassland ◦ 250kg N/ha/year limit (grazing enterprises) ◦ P balance under 10kg/ha  Additional plans and records required i.e. ◦ fertilisation plan ◦ fertilisation account

32  22 weeks storage for slurry  26 weeks pig & poultry  Calculate using Livestock Manure Storage Calculator at or guidance

33  Closed periods for Fertiliser N:15 Sept – 31 Jan Slurry:15 Oct – 31 Jan FYM:31 Oct – 31 Jan Dirty water:no closed period  Strict guidelines for applying manures and fertilisers  Sludgigators are banned

34  Fertiliser N Grassland- averaged over total grassland area - maximum 8.25 bags/acre Non-grassland - limits for each individual crop - establish N requirement (SNS) - account for N in slurry  Fertiliser P - must have soil analysis to show crop need - take account of P in organic manures

35 Basic records  Copy of SAF/IACS form  Herd/flock register (APHIS)  Fertiliser invoices  Dimensions of storage tanks Additional records required if:  Not claiming SFP on land taken (control agreement)  Importing/exporting slurry  Spreading fertiliser P

36  Legislative requirement  Operate at 170 kg N/ha per year or 250 kg N/ha per year  Closed periods for fertiliser, slurry and FYM application  Minimum 22 weeks slurry storage

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