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Argumentative Essay Is Queenie guilty or innocent?

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentative Essay Is Queenie guilty or innocent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentative Essay Is Queenie guilty or innocent?

2 Argumentative Vocabulary
Claim- the debatable point you are arguing Reasons- helps support the main arguments Evidence- facts, reports, physical proof counterclaim- other side of the argument Rebuttal- disproves the counterclaim Conclusion- restates thesis and first three pieces of evidence Recommendation- suggestion/proposal

3 Introductory Paragraph

4 Introductory Statement
HOOK EXAMPLE Captures the reader’s attention A dead man, a suspicious murder, but was it murder or an accident?

5 Briefly explain what was found
After having a fight, Queenie found her husband, Arthur, lying dead on the floor in a position that suggested that he had fallen down the stairs or at least that what she claimed.

6 Mention 3 strongest pieces of evidence
If that was the case, then why was the following questionable: his body position, unbroken glass in hand, and pictures on the wall undisturbed.

7 After looking at the picture, I believe that Queenie is …
Thesis/Claim After looking at the picture, I believe that Queenie is …

8 Evidence/Explanation

9 EVIDENCE #1 EXPLANATION Arthur was found on his back with his feet on the stairs and his head on the floor. Queenie said that Arthur had been “coming down for another drink.” If you walk downstairs and trip, then when you fall either you would land on your feet. Arthur did not fall this way. This suggests that the body was staged, and Queenie lied; therefore, she must have killed him.


11 It is important to note that…
Transition Words First of all… It is important to note that… Consequently… For instance… In addition… However… As a matter of fact… First, second, third… Lastly…

12 Counterclaim… Example Some believe that… According to others…
This paragraph should begin one of the following sentence starters Example Some believe that… According to others… Some will say the evidence suggest that… Although some people claim… Although some people believe Queenie is innocent, there is more evidence to suggest that Arthur’s death was not accident and that Queenie murdered him. For example…

13 …disagreement with the others side of the argument.
Rubuttal …disagreement with the others side of the argument. Example If you think Queenie is guilty, use more evidence to prove she could not have been innocent. If you think Queenie is innocent, use more evidence to prove she could not have been guilty. For example, another piece of evidence that proves that Queenie is guilty is …

14 Based on the evidence I provided, I submit to you…
Conclusion …is a restatement of the thesis. This paragraph should begin with one of the following… Example In the end… In conclusion… Based on the evidence I provided, I submit to you… I conclude… In light of all of this overwhelming evidence, only one conclusion is possible: Queenie killed Arthur. It was not accident because of the following three pieces of evidence: …

15 Recommendation Your recommendation does NOT need to be for her to go to prison. You are not the judge! EXAMPLE Being that Queenie has committed a terrible crime, I recommend she be arrested!

16 Due Date This essay is due Monday, September 8th, when you walk into class. Must be typed, double-spaced; no handwritten essays! NO LATE ESSAYS WILL BE ACCEPTED!

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