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Read the following paragraph?

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Presentation on theme: "Read the following paragraph?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the following paragraph?
One day Phil and Leon went to the canal. They were going fishing. There seemed to be no one else around. They chose the best place. They started to get out the rods. Then there was a loud splash. Then there was a scream. Phil and Leon looked up. They saw something moving in the water. Then they saw a hand waving. Someone had fallen in the water. Answer the following questions in complete sentences on your Do Now sheet. What do you notice about this paragraph? If you had to rewrite this paragraph, what would you change?

2 Objectives for today: Students will know what a compound sentence is.
Students will know how to combine simple sentences to form compound sentences.

3 Compound and Complex Sentences
8th Grade Language Arts

4 What is a complex sentence?
Contains both a simple sentence and a dependent clause. Combined with a subordinating conjunction (although, because, however, etc.)

5 An example… Although I was tired, I studied for the test. Or
I studied for the test, although I was tired.

6 Directions… Combine the following sentences on each slide to make a compound sentence.

7 Round 1: Jeff likes country music. Jeff hates heavy metal.
Rewrite these to make a compound sentence.

8 Round 2: Gina likes strawberries. She loves pineapple.
Rewrite these to make a compound sentence.

9 Round 3: Becky baked chocolate chip cookies. She made homemade fudge.
Rewrite these to make a compound sentence.

10 Round 4: I didn’t study. I didn’t pass the exam.
Rewrite these to make a compound sentence.

11 Round 5: I microwaved my coffee. It was too cold still.
Rewrite these to make a compound sentence.

12 Round 6: Stephanie could not swim. She could not ride a bike.
Rewrite these to make a complex sentence.

13 Write a compound sentence on your own.
Tie-breaker Write a compound sentence on your own.

14 Mapping Compound Sentences
Independent Clause (Simple Sentence): My coffee was too cold. Comma: , Conjunction: so Independent Clause (Simple Sentence): I microwaved it.

15 Mapping Complex Sentences
Subordinating Conjunction: Although Dependent Clause: she was seven years old Comma: , Independent Clause (Simple Sentence): she believed in fairytales.

16 On your own… Map 2 compound sentences using simple sentences from your argumentative essay (or the paragraph provided). Finished early? Want a challenge? Try to complete two complex sentence maps on your own!

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