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Smarter Balanced – An Overview Elementary Early Release January 7, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Smarter Balanced – An Overview Elementary Early Release January 7, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smarter Balanced – An Overview Elementary Early Release January 7, 2015

2 Learning Targets  I can identify and describe the three components of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System  I can describe how and why the results of the Smarter Balanced summative assessment are likely to be different than previous state assessment results Learning Targets

3 Topics  Smarter Balanced Assessment System  Digital Library  Interim Assessments  ICA (Interim Comprehensive Assessment)  IAB (Interim Assessment Blocks)  Summative Assessments  Across the grade levels  “Parts and Pieces”  Preparing for New Test Scores  One-Stop Shopping: The Smarter Balanced Portal ( Topics

4 A Balanced Assessment System Assessment System

5 Washington State K-12 Learning Standards Smarter Balanced – Formative Interim Summative

6 Digital Library Smarter Balanced Assessment System Digital Library

7 Smarter Balanced Digital Library Digital Library

8 Smarter Balanced Digital Library Digital Library

9 Smarter Balanced Digital Library Digital Library

10 Smarter Balanced Digital Library Digital Library


12 Interim Assessments Smarter Balanced Assessment System Interim Assessments

13 Interim Assessment Options Interim Assessment Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Interim Assessments

14 Interim Assessment Options  Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) use the same blueprint as the summative assessments, assess the same range of standards, and provide scores on the same scale.  Interim Assessment Blocks (ICBs) focus on smaller sets of related concepts and provide more detailed information for instructional purposes. There are between five and seventeen blocks per subject per grade. Interim Assessments

15 IABs for ELA Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 3-5 1 Read Literary Texts 2 Read Informational Texts 3 Edit/Revise 4 Brief Writes 5 Listen/Interpret 6 Research 7 Narrative Performance Task* Gr 4 and 5 only in 2014-2015 8 Opinion Performance Task* N/A in 2014-2015 9 Informational Performance Task* Gr 3 only in 2014-2015 * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment Interim Assessments

16 IABs for mathematics Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grade 3 1Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2Numbers and Operations in Base 10 Not available in 2014-2015 3Fractions 4Measurement and Data 5Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment Interim Assessments

17 Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grade 4 1Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2Numbers and Operations in Base 10 3Fractions 4 Geometry- Not available in 2014-2015 4Measurement and Data 5Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment Interim Assessments IABs for mathematics

18 Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grade 5 1Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2Numbers and Operations in Base 10 3Fractions 4Geometry 5Measurement and Data - Not available in 2014-2015 6Mathematics Performance Task* - Not available in 2014-2015 * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment Interim Assessments IABs for mathematics

19 Interim Assessments Timeline  Interim Assessments will be available…  Jan 6 th – Comprehensive Interim  Jan 27 th – Interim Assessment Blocks  Initial release will include fixed forms; adaptive forms will be available as the item pool allows Interim Assessments

20 Summative Assessment Smarter Balanced Assessment System Summative Assessment

21 Parts and Pieces  Two Assessments:  ELA  Math  Three Parts to each Assessment  CAT: Computer Adaptive Test  Classroom Activity  Performance Task Summative Assessment

22 What is “Covered” in the Summative Assessment? Claims are broad statements of the assessment system’s learning outcomes Summative Assessment

23 What is “Covered” in the Summative Assessment? Summative Assessment

24 Assessment Windows Smarter Balanced 2015 Testing Windows Grade 3 ELA March 10 to April 23 – online Grades 4–8 ELA and Grades 3-8 Math Last 12 weeks of school, but no earlier than March 10 and no later than June 15 Grade 10 ELA Last 12 weeks of school, but no earlier than March 10 and no later than June 15 Grade 11 ELA and Math Last 7 weeks of school, but no earlier than April 6 and no later than June 15 Off Grade Level (formerly called DAPE) March 10 - 26– online Summative Assessment

25 Estimated Time

26 Summative Assessment Preparing for New Test Scores Summative Assessment

27 2015 results will set a new baseline of student performance in Washington  Some people are predicting that the spring 2015 test results will see Washington students falling off a “performance cliff”, with scores dropping.  But the new tests are not comparable so we should not compare scores from one to the other.  We have a new baseline! Summative Assessment

28  Think of the standards and the assessment as a new target with new results….  Two people who successfully climb Mt Rainer (at 14,000 ft), will find Mt McKinley (at 20,000 ft) more challenging.  Some will be able to meet the challenge, some will be close and some who previously were able to summit Rainier will not be able to summit McKinley at first. Summative Assessment

29 Preparing for New Test Scores  Smarter Balanced assessments measure the full range of the Common Core State Standards. They are designed to let teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be college- and career-ready by the time they graduate.  Because the new standards set higher expectations for students-- and the new tests are designed to assess student performance against these higher expectations--our definition of grade level performance is higher than it used to be.  As a result, it’s likely that fewer students will meet grade level standards, especially for the first few years. Results should improve as students have additional years of instruction aligned to the new standards and become better equipped to meet the challenges they present.  This does not mean that our students are “doing worse” than they did last year. Rather, the scores represent a “new baseline” that provides a more accurate indicator for educators, students, and parents as they work to meet the rigorous demands of college and career readiness. Summative Assessment

30 Let’s Take a Step Back – in Time AND Perspective  Jeopardy!  The category is Washington State Assessment 101  Answer: 1996-1997 Question: What year was WASL first administered?  Answer: 28%  Question: What percentage of Camas fourth graders met proficiency on the Math WASL in 1996-97?  Answer: 71%  Question: What percentage of Camas fourth graders met proficiency on the Math MSP in 2012-13? Summative Assessment



33 61%

34 Smarter Balanced + Higher Ed  Washington has had unprecedented movement to use mandatory high school tests in college placement  Agreement to provide access to credit bearing courses to 11 th graders who score a 3 or 4 on the Smarter Balanced ELA and math tests  Washington’s Community Colleges  Washington’s Baccalaureates  Recently announced - WACT will be using scores of 3 and 4 for Running Start placement Summative Assessment

35 Smarter Balanced Portal Smarter Balanced Portal:

36 Learning Targets  I can identify and describe the three components of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System  I can describe how and why the results of the Smarter Balanced summative assessment are likely to be different than previous state assessment results Learning Targets What do you need next to support or extend your learning?

37 Smarter Balanced – An Overview Elementary Early Release January 7, 2015

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