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Focus Question: What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

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Presentation on theme: "Focus Question: What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus Question: What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

2 Aim: How can we interpret the meaning of figurative language? What difference do you notice about these two statements? A) The car is blue. B) I’ve got your back. Turn and talk and see if you can explain the difference

3 Literal VS Figurative Language The car is blue is literal. Literal language: words that show the exact meaning I’ve got your back is figurative. Figurative language: figure out what it is means

4 Type of figurative language Simile Comparison of two things using “like” or “as” Examples: The metal twisted like a ribbon. She is as sweet as candy.

5 Types of figurative language continued… Important! Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a simile A comparison must be made! Not a simile: I like pizza. Simile: The moon is like a pizza.

6 Types of figurative language continued… Metaphor Two things are compared without using “like” or “as” Examples: All the world is a stage. She has a stone heart. You are what you eat.

7 Types of figurative language continued... Personification Giving human traits to objects or ideas Examples: The sunlight danced. Water on the lake shivers. My teddy bear hugged me.

8 Figure out figurative language! Specify which figurative language the sentences below are and explain why you believe that. Time is money. The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell. They fought like cats and dogs!

9 What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile? MetaphorSimile Turn and talk: Can you identify the main difference between a metaphor and simile?

10 Now you try! Exit Slip - When confronted by bullies, John is a lion. What does this metaphor mean?

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