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Drivers Start your Glue Guns: Science of Pasta Pods.

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Presentation on theme: "Drivers Start your Glue Guns: Science of Pasta Pods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drivers Start your Glue Guns: Science of Pasta Pods

2 History of NASCAR Bootlegging during Prohibition

3 History of NASCAR Setting Land Speed Records Daytona Beach, FL

4 History of NASCAR


6 What do you know about moving vehicles?

7 Task Jimmie JohnsonTony Stewart Jeff Gordon

8 Teamwork

9 Goal:

10 Materials



13 Racing Rubric

14 Data Table

15 Distance Traveled (Cm) Title

16 Develop a Hypothesis Using a metric ruler, draw a model of what your team is predicting that a winning NASCAR pasta pod will look like. Draw to scale.

17 Design a Model Begin construction on your NASCAR pasta pod using only pasta and hot glue. You may test it during the construction process. Once you are ready to have official measurements taken notify your teacher. (Use rubric for distance status) You have three attempts to achieve your desired travel distance.




21 Questions?

22 Racing Rubric

23 Drivers: Start Your GLUE GUNS! Julie Angle, PhD, NBCT Oklahoma State University College of Education 405-744-9505

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