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Administrative and Traffic Laws

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1 Administrative and Traffic Laws
Responsible Driving Unit 1 Basic Vehicle Control Chapter 2 Administrative and Traffic Laws

2 Why are traffic laws important?
Motor vehicle related fatality occurs every 13 min. Motor vehicle related injury occurs every 10 sec. Collisions cost $200 billion Traffic Laws Help promote the orderly flow of traffic and prevent collisions.

3 Key Terms Administrative laws Suspended Revoke Point System

4 Administrative Laws! Administrative laws regulate drivers licensing, vehicle registration, financial responsibility of drivers and vehicle owners or minimum equipment and vehicle standards. Right of way rules, speed limits, and driver condition laws.

5 Getting a Drivers license
How do you get your drivers license? Pass Class, Pass tests (vision, Written Exam, Road test), - Pay Fees - Hours with Parents (50 hours/10 at night) - Have your permit for 9 months/GDL - Review the GDL (worksheets) Getting a drivers license worksheet (DEM)

6 Suspending Suspending: Temporarily taking your license away for specified period of time. Usually suspended for days but always less than 365 days. Ways your license can be suspended: On a point system Traffic Violations in 3 years Illegal transfer of alcohol Violation of the GDL

7 Revoke Take License away for a year or more.
If your license gets revoked you must apply for another drivers license. Ways you can get your license revoked: DUI Drag Racing/street racing Leaving the scene of an accident 3 counts of reckless driving in 1 year. Auto theft Fleeing and eluding police

8 The Point System System used to keep track of traffic violations by individual drivers. Each traffic violation costs a number of points depending on its seriousness. The points that you accumulate on your drivers record, affect your ability to keep your driver’s license.

9 Certification of Title
Proves you own the vehicle . Name, Make, style, vin #, State keeps a copy Where is the safest place to keep your vehicle registration?


11 Insurance Financial responsibility is another aspect of driving.
Pays some of the bills when you get into a crash. Damages such as: death, injury, and property damage. What all does it cover? Who is your agent? Is it a state law? Full liability? Car worth?

12 Lesson 2 Right-Of-Way Key Terms: Right-of-Way


14 Right-of-Way Right of one roadway user to go first or to cross in front of another; right of way must be yielded to other in many situations. Never assume you have the right away Be patient, courteous and communicate well/be defensive.

15 When should you yield the right away?
To ANY emergency vehicle: Example: ambulance that has its sirens on and flashing What should you do? If going in the same direction, pull as far to right of the road as you can. On the opposite/multi-lane move to right. Do not block the intersection. Pedestrians who are blind carrying a white cane or using a guide dog. Pedestrians, especially those in crosswalks. Yielding (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) What would you do?

16 Ignition Switch

17 Lesson 3: Speed Limits Key Terms: Fixed Speed Limit Advisory speed


19 Speed Limits Set for a reason Control the flow of traffic
Minimize the risk to all roadway users Posted speed limits show the maximum speed at perfect conditions. Is the posted speed the safest? Visibility, time and space determine the speed at which you can travel safely.

20 Fixed Speed Limit The maximum of minimum speed that a vehicle may be driven on a particular roadway. 1 MPH over and you can get a ticket, some may get one for driving too slow. Tips for new drivers (READ) Fixed speeds do not Change

21 Advisory Speed Limit A speed limit that interrupts normal driving speed for a limited time and provides guidelines for adjusting speed. Ex: Sharp Curves, exit ramps, bridges.

22 Day and Night Speed Limits
Night time driving is more dangerous because it is harder to see the road and any obstacles in the dark. In 2002, two out of every three drivers under 21 years old are involved in a fatal, single-vehicle crash were killed at night.

23 What are basic speed laws
Always drive at a speed that is reasonable and proper for existing conditions. Ability to manage visibility, time, space, weather, traffic lights also play on the basic speed laws. Safe speed is determined by the type and condition of the road.

24 The Higher the speed The less time the driver has to spot dangerous situations and take action The greater the time and distance it takes to change direction to stop a vehicle The greater the chance the vehicle will skid or roll over on a turn The greater chances of a collision, personal injuries, and property damage. What would you do (pg. 32)

25 Illinois Interstate Exceptions Weather conditions Road Condition
Construction Zones

26 Illinois Highway Exceptions Weather Conditions Road Conditions
Constructions Zones



29 Lesson 3 Review What are the different kinds of speed limits?
What are the basic speed limits? In what circumstance would a posted speed limit not be reasonable?

30 Lesson 4: Driver-Conditions Laws
Key Terms: Illegal per se law Implied consent laws Aggressive driving Vehicular homicide

31 Driving while impaired
In 2002, some 41 percent of 42,815 death occurred in alcohol crashes. One in every 122 licensed drivers (1.5 million) is arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol, commonly called a DWI or DUI. Illegal per se law: a rule making is unlawful for a person to operate a motor vehicle w/a BAC about what… (.08) Implied consent law: drivers agreed that if stopped for cause and charged with the offense of drinking and driving, they will take a test for the presence of alcohol.

32 Aggressive Driving A high risk behavior that threatens the safety of others, and its a moving traffic violation. Includes: Speeding, running red lights or stop signs, tailgating, frequent and unsafe lane changes/not staying the right lane to pass, and passing on the shoulder during heavy traffic. (Dealing with the unexpected)

33 Reckless Driving Vehicular homicide: Reckless driving causing the death of another person, the driver or drivers involved may be charged or convicted. Reckless driving involves improper acts such as: Driving under the influence, going to sleep while driving, speeding and failure to yield right-of-way. Reckless driving endangers other drivers. Three conditions must be present: Driver must consciously and intentionally drive in a dangerous manner. Driver knows that his or her actions place other people at increased risk. The conditions-including time, place of occurrence, weather, traffic volume and vehicle condition.

34 Inattention & Distracted Driving

35 Intention and distracted driving
Failure to pay full attention to driving is a contributing factor in nearly 50% of the 6.3 million collisions reported to the police in 2002 according to the NHTSA. Research conducted by the AAA revealed that inattention is the primary cause of 25 percent of all crashes involving 16 to 18 year old drivers. Eatting, drinking, turning the radio, talking on the cell phone, falling asleep or talking to other passengers are just a few distractions. 7 States currently have banned the use of cell phones while driving.

36 Lesson 4 Review What are the meanings of the terms implied consent, aggressive driving, and vehicular homicide? What three conditions must exist before a person can be arrested for reckless driving? List three actions that can cause a driver to be distracted.

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