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Its Causes and Prevention

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Presentation on theme: "Its Causes and Prevention"— Presentation transcript:

1 Its Causes and Prevention
Fire Its Causes and Prevention

2 Principles of Fire Safety
A fire can happen to you! A fire is dark! There is very little time! Smoke usually kills, not flames! A fire’s heat is intense You must have a plan!

3 Types of Fires and Fire Extinguishers
Type A - Burning wood, paper, or textile material Type B - Flammable liquids Type C - Electrical Type D - Combustible metals ABC Extinguisher Know how to use it Have it checked often Should have UL or FM (Factory Mutual) approval

4 Class A

5 Class A

6 Class B

7 Class B

8 Class C

9 Class C

10 Class ABC

11 Class ABC

12 What type of fire extinguisher is this?

13 Class D

14 Elements of Combustion
Combustion - The continuous, self-sustaining process in which fuel and oxygen molecules combine to yield heat, gas, smoke, and flame. Pyrolysis - chemical decomposition of matter through the action of heat Ignition temperature or kindling point - minimum temperature for fuel to be reached before it reacts with oxygen and begins to burn

15 Elements of Combustion
Four elements or conditions needed for combustion: fuel heat oxygen chemical reaction

16 Leading causes of residential fire deaths
Cigarette ignition Heating Incendiary/suspicious Children playing Cooking Electrical All other causes

17 Fire prevention in the home (1)
Have rules regarding smoking Don’t overload electrical circuits Make sure cords and wires are in good condition If you use wood stoves or fireplaces, make sure they are properly installed and maintained Rules for electric and kerosene heaters

18 Fire prevention in the home (2)
Keep smoking materials, including matches and lighters out of the reach of children Keep combustible materials away from kitchen stove and oven Turn pot and pan handles inward Don’t accumulate combustible materials Be aware of spontaneous combustion and its causes

19 Project EDITH (Exit Drills in the Home)
Smoke detectors Floor plans and escape routes Alert others Stay low Check doors Keep smoke out if possible Have prearranged meeting place Once out, stay out Notify fire department

20 RCA - Rescue, Confine, Alarm
Used in larger buildings - hospitals, office buildings, universities Rescue - warn or rescue those in immediate smoke or fire danger Confine - close doors to prevent the spread of fire or smoke Alarm - operate nearest fire alarm or call fire department

21 Fire detection devices
Heat detectors - not for use in residences Photoelectric smoke detector Ionization chamber smoke detector Smoke detectors should be on each floor level away from vents maintained properly preferably near sleeping areas

22 Using a fire extinguisher
Time is important - use a fire extinguisher only in the first few minutes of a fire. Break seal, pull pin and test Aim low and about 6 to 10 feet away Aim extinguisher at base of the flame Use sweeping motion

23 P.A.S.S. P – Pull A – Aim S – Squeeze S – Sweep

24 Pull

25 Aim

26 Squeeze

27 Sweep

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